HELP!!! head nut down oil passage!!

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


Active Member
Doing a re-build and was at the passenger head when a nut slipped out of my socket and "ping-ponged" all the way down. I have no idea how to get this out... was hoping it made its way down to the oil pan but have no idea how the oil passage works. I know its not visible down the oil passage in the block. Can someone bail me out??
its all good it was in the oil pan, the plate inside the pan had it wedged against some silicone. Would have slowed oil to certail cylinders.
Yeah I about flipped out after spending 2 hours in 100 degree garage when I dropped the 2nd to last head nut. Its been a quest to re build this 1uz. Not that its a particularly difficult engine but i have never tore an engine down before so im learning for 1st time. The only real screw up besides the bolt was "flip flopping" LH head gasket!! Fired her up to a pleasant rush of coolant out the side... so I have taken the heads out a couple times now. Hey did you get any info about the V1?
