
The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


Has anyone tryed to run a 1UZ on water yet..?I'm currently looking into it..seeing as fuel prices are through the roof..info I have is, there is anything from 50% to 90% or evening running 100% fuel saving..sounds good to me..(havn't got really involved with it yet due to being committed to my truck)but thats about to change..just putting it out there ..:arms:
I blew a head gasket once in an old Mk1 Ford Escort, that didn't run too well on water.

Good luck, and don't let the oil companies know when you have "cracked it" or they will send in the men in black......
haw haw haw..yeah I know..but hey at least it is freely available and eventually will be here..sooner or later..Fossel fuel days are numbered..
What you mean by running the 1UZ on water ?? The H2o BMW cars has different story … its actually "electrical cars"
What i mean is run it on Hydrogen(H20=water)..it is very clean burning(octane rating is far better then gas as well)and by product is water..(good for the enviroment)tis has been done just need to research it better..currently have some info which i'll be working on in the new year..:sasmokin: just running it might have issues with the internals of the lex,or any motor for that matter..heard of coating everything with tefflon and or ceramic..but not too sure..cheers here's a link of someone making a small fuel cell
What you mean by running the 1UZ on water ?? The H2o BMW cars has different story … its actually "electrical cars"
This is true also,but from where you live gas is cheap..i mean really cheap..compared to say the rest of the world..LOL Living in the desert I guess has it's rewards..cheers
I am not sure if the gas prices here is the cheapest in the world !!! compare that to Kazakhstan Or Iran …. There is no price for the petrol you just give the gas station boy a tip …. hehehe
Big, I have met a guy in NZ that claimed to have a engine running on water, the Men in Black found out about it, came all the way from the USA and told him to stop, or he would have a new pair of shoes, made of concrete.
He also worked out a way of getting welding gas from water, and from what i heard it worked.


ps what shoe size do you take lol
there was a news report about a guy who got his camery to run on pure water in the town i live in, and aprently run well, its too bad tho that dont know where to find the dude, although, i think if water can be a power sorce that people have used it to run cars out of home grages it would be well known information.

Hydrogen is a little diffrent, its hard to collect enough hydorgen to power much for very long, elctolisis takes a ton of power, alot more then youll get back out of it by burning. fuel cells i think will be the future that breaks us away from gasoline.
Ahahaha..yeah I heard of that too..gawd dam oil companies like to think they rule the planet..stfu i say..:la:
i remember my dad was telling me in the early 90's there was a rumor that the guy who invented the cd player had come up with a car than ran on water and the companies payed him out locked up all the info in a vault. I'm sure there are many of these type rumors around and no way of knowing if any were true.
I have been working on a "simple" hydrogen generator for some time. It has evolved into a system rather than a simple generator. The purpose is not to replace gasoline at this point, but to suppliment it. I just found the information I need to work with the oxygen sensor and fool it because the air coming out of the engine is too clean. Cleaner than what goes in. In my last car the fuel economy went down becaues of the oxy sensor adding fuel in to try to get to the "correct" setting. The effective octane rating should be about 108 running on regular gas. Nice to see lower fuel cost. I am planning to put the generator in the trunk alongside the gas tank in my SC400. I will keep you updated as it goes along.

You are talking about a Joe Cell, made by a bloke in Australia called Joe in or around Coffs Harbour NSW.
Apparently its a hydrolisis cell which goes past he stage 1 of just making Hydrogen and starts making Orgone (at stage 3) which is at this stage a mystery energy and the cell self propagates as well.
Alot of hippies are into this orgone too and its some sub atomic particle like a gamma particle which an internal combustion engine can run on.
Trouble is theres alot of inconsistancies and I dont think anyone has conclusive proof that it actually works. Sure I looked into it too, and even made my own cell, but it just made hydrogen which is simply too dangerous as a fuel.
Apparently you have to think positively to make orgone and people who havent made it work havent had the "vibe" to do so. After that I started to turn off the idea. I dont need vibe to make my race car go faster, just something that works.
Anyway this group of Joe Cellers is around hiding under the cover of darkness cause they all reckon Asio and the CIA and fuel companies are out to get them for taking away the worlds economy.

I think if you want really cheap alternate fuel that really works, go to your local fish and chips shop and grab a few gallons of their used oil, filter it to ten microns and run it in your diesel car. Id rather burn the stuff than see it go into landfill. Both Mythbusters and Top Gear have both proved it works and if I had a diesel Id give it a go too.

Hey look dont get me wrong, if you legitamately get a Joe Cell to work I will be the first one to buy one off you, but I wont hold my breath.
here you go I found all my links whilst doing my research:-

forum which has not got a car going on it BTW...allthey talk about is getting to stage 3. Well there is no stage 3 or 2 for that matter.

Sorry I had to chuckle a bit here.
See alot of the videos are old kingwoods and lasers etc.
Anyway good luck with your research.
Thanx for the input. Some of the information sources are new to me, and most appear to be aimed at running the engine completely on water. Nice if you can do it, but the engine itself would probably have to be modified with stainless cylinder walls and valves.

Can you imagine water conservationists howling about everybody using drinking water to run their cars on????

I think I am going to mess with this on a much simpler level and put it on my 69 Datsun 2000, which has no fancy electronics and very high cylinder compression (up to 215 lbs in one cylinder). At this point it will only run on super grade fuel. If what I have been told and reading I should be able to keep Mr. Hyde happy on regular fuel and not have to deal with modern electronics while I learn. The electronics I have designed to control thermal runaway in the water tank itself has been something most people playing with this stuff don't seem to recognize a need for.

I will let you know how Mr. Hyde likes the change. If it works he will be really happy running on regular fuel that looks like 108 octane to him.

