Gas Prices

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Lextreme II

Active Member
It is going crazy in the past few years and especially worst in the last few quarters. LPG is looking really good right now.
Now all we need to do is get the EPA to relax their regulation of the LPG installation industry so people like us can actually have a chance to use this great fuel.

Perhaps the next occupant of the White House will finally come up with a "real" energy strategy that will (among many other points) encourage LPG fuel conversions to be made again in the aftermarket.
Here in Australia, the government has offered a rebate for LPG installation, something like AU$1000, which is not too bad, still a big outlay though.

How do aftermarket computers like LPG? I've never even thought about it...
Fuel prices in UK

The price of lpg is increasing here too currently 53p per litre (approx $4:70 a gallon) a lot cheaper than the super unleaded at £1:25p per litre (approx $11:10 a gallon) !:wtf1:
Makes me want to move elsewhere ha ha
Wonder what the fuelbill is going to be when the V8 hilux hits the street?
I just payed $4.12/Gal today for premium which is very high for this area. but i still rest easy knowing its nowhere near the $7/Gal i was paying in japan.

Ya, england has it bad with those prices.
I was standing in the office of a Service Station the other day and looked around me.

The cheapest liquid I could find was in tanks under the ground. It was unleaded petrol.

Water was almost four the price of fuel, Coke was over twice the price and car polish ran around 10 times the price.

Given what fuel does and how hard it is to eaxtract from the earth, transport & refine plus the amount the Government takes it is pretty cheap at even UK prices.

Whilst I dream of the day when as a kid I paid $0.10 per litre I also think of the $15.00 per 40 hour week paycheque I got.
Zuffin, yes there are plenty of liquid items that are more pricy then gas. but keep in mind you dont drink 20gallons of coke. a week, or use 20gallons of car polish, water can be free, its just a little pricy if you choose to buy the fancy chilled version at a store. but still wile on a 20 mile drive that i have a water or coke with me i may drink half a liter of my drink but my car has consumed a gallon of gas. I do a 20 mile drive to work and 20 miles back home each day. I do not drink or eat nearly the same if you look at it in cost, they also dont go up in price every day.


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Ever so true.

Imagine what you would look like if you consumed Coke at the same rate your car consumes fuel.

You would need a truck to carry yourself around.

I guess what I was getting at is most of those other liquids are easy to transport, produce and certainly aren't taxed like fuel so fuel is actually quite cheap litre for litre.

I worked out the difference between my wife's V8 Mercedes and the 2ltre version of the same car equates to around $800.00 per year in extra fuel expense. Yet the little engined car will depreciate 3 times fastr than her V8.
so today i had to pay 4.19/Gal today 7cents up from 3 days ago but diffrent areas of town.

so we should have a little fun with this and watch and log the current prices.
We pay $2 a litre for gas over in NZ now, which makes it the equivalent of ~$5.90USD/gal using today's exchange rate... bugger
does it go up 10-20 cents a week?


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its different here in malaysia.

Price is sticked at RM1.92 per liter. ( RM3.50 for USD1 ).

but u have to giv up for V8 here. the on road tax is super high for high CC cars. ( Eg: tax per year for 2.0 is 396, 2.5 is 880 but 4.0 is 6500 )
Premium gas in the USA should reach $5.00 per gallon by the end of the month according to consumer reports... Right now it's just over $4.50 per gallon.. This has got to hurt those boosted motor owners for sure... OUCH!!!!

I am looking at buying a motorcycle to fart around town and save some mulla at the pumps...It's summer time anyway.... It's getting bad when you almost pay $100 to fill up everytime in your SC400 and or Soarer....That just sucks when you remember not to long ago it was just $50 to fill up... I fill up atleast once a week too..:kabong:

Ok, I will stop complaining, beaatching, and whinning as I know our overseas friends are paying almost twice that much...

Ps.. A close friend whom lives in the UK (Manchester, England) says petrol at the pumps just reached $10 per gallon (converted to US measuring gallon and $) and a boycot is planned for the upcoming weekend not to drive vehicles... He just emailed me on this... Crazy....
a friend of mine just bought a little scooter for 100$ and put about 30$ twords repars, it gets 120miles to the gallon, he's had it for just over a month and has filled it up once. 3 gallon tank.

I shouldnt compain tho. i drove to jacksonville fl and back last week. 3 hours each way, all highway no stops all at about 80mph no hard pulls, in the 1uz supra, it managed a wapping 33mpg. man i hope my math is right, well it couldnt be too off, i have a 10gallon fuel cell in the car and it wasnt empty at the end.
Yeah, my good friend also has a little vintage scooter that he farts around town in and it gets like a 100mpg also.. It also goes 60mph on the freeway...

However, I just can't see myself getting around on a little scooter with a little gay matching helmet and all..... Pride alone wont allow me to cruise around town on one of those.. For me it would have to be a hog or a crotch rocket if anything on two wheels if I were to do so.. That's just me though, no offense to all those scooter owners.....

How about this little bugger?
Everybody knows that most "alternative fuels" are still "fossil fuels" and the cost variation is legislation used to close markets to consumers.
At least it's not $7/gal. in California like it was a year ago but still outrageous. This morning my uncle in the desert in California paid $6.59
