FYI - Thailand removes Youtube ban after four months

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Bangkok (Thailand) - The Thai government announced today that it had lifted a state-sanctioned ban on Youtube after Google acquiesced to remove clips that were offensive to the country's reigning king.

On April 4, Thailand ordered Youtube be blocked from its state-run Internet service provider after someone posted offensive clips featuring Thailand's patriarchal monarch Bhumibl Adulyadej.

Thailand still carries an antiquated law that makes it illegal for anyone to cause "offense against the monarchy". At one point Thailand considered bringing criminal charges against Google for this offense, but international pressure caused these charges to be dropped.

King Adulyadej, who was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is 79 years old and carries the title of the longest-reigning monarch in the world.

According to The Associated Press, Google, which owns Youtube, has implemented software that will weed out similarly offensive clips in the future and filter them from being accessible through the Thai Internet community.
Is the kind correct in his assumptions? How is this monarck called King Adulyadej? Is he a leader to be respected? Is he trustworthy, fair and just? Or is he a selfish leader and a bastard?

I don't know much about the ways of Thialand and their leaders, I just just know there are many beautiful women and good deals on consumer goods.... I can't wait to visit Thialand....:fing02:
that is a bit optimistic Jibbby... the woman thing that is.

as for the king... who cares if anyone offends one self centered idiot.
Hi.Yes HMS The King is well respected, even by us foreigners living here, hes kind and helps the people, and is smart too, has a few patents for making rain!
so legally how could thailand press criminal chages on google? is there some international court im not aware of that can go after anyone in the world?
