Drilling a custom fuel rail.

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
Hi all,

I have this great idea to build a custom injector plate to sit atop my 6/71 supercharger. The design calls for 2 fuel channels to be drilled into a block aluminium. These holes have to be 340mm deep.

Intersecting one of these fuel channels will be 6 side feed injectors. The fuel will run along 1 fuel channel` to the end where anothe channel will be drilled to connect the two long fuel channels together. the second channel will be a return path for the fuel. A regulator will govern pressure inside with the possibility of a return line too via the regulator. (still learning about this)

So my question is a fabrication one. Can you drill 340mm into a billit block of aluminium without costing a fortune? How much will the drill deviate or distort the hole?
Any info on drilling these rails would be helpful.

I have draigned it this way very specificly. I have not totally finnished the whole design but basically a plate will sit over the top of the injectors and toatlly enclose them. so when you look at the injector plate on the blower it looks like a chunk of steel. from the back of it will be 3 identical hoses. 2 fuel hoses and one electronics hose disguised as a fuel hose.

This will give the cleanest look to any electronic fuel injection on the market as the whole thing is hidden. This is fundemental to the design or say just running a normal fuel rail a top feed injectors. I want the lot hidden.

I have the injector plate modeled as a dxf file if anyone want to look at it.

Here are some wire frame screen grabs.

There is a third drilled channel. ignor this hole for now as it will be reworked.

Let me know what you think.
If I were building your setup I'd use conventional rails and injectors and hide them in the area you have them. I'd hollow out the injector area, use top feed injectors (as the rails are easier to mount) and feed the fuel into the plenum just as you are.

This would give simpler construction, easier access to build/repair and look just like what you want.

Drilling a 340mm hole at (I guess 12mm diameter) will allow it to wander a little off line.

I work on the K.I.S.S. principle.
Hi Rod,
Thanks for your thoughts, I have thought about the top feed injector idea as you have outlined and I like it. My issue with it though is a typical top feed fuel rail needs a hose at each end. I'm trying to design this plate to have all the hoses coming out the back of the plate and disappear down by the firewall.

I could perhaps run to identical fuel rails and find a fitting that "U-turns" on a very small diameter so that two rails are placed inside the hollow. That way I can connect the hoses at one end.

I understand that it sounds easier to use top feed injectors but I would need to machine the hollow in the aluminium block to fit all that in anyway. I could just as easily find the correct side feed injectors and measure and model a design to be cut on a CNC mill. The accuracy could not be faulted if designed properly excepting the fuel rails which would only need to intersect the chamber holding the injector.

I am thinking a lot about this, Thanks for your thoughts.

Just so you all know, I'm not totally crazy, I just want to design this for a looks market. If I can make it look incredible I was hoping I could make a few to sell to the Hot Rod / Show car scene. BDS blowers has a EFI plate available but I think it looks terrible. The whole things has wires and sensors all over it. All this can be hidden with good design. I hoping to get better at just that.
It looks to me that you are well on your way going by the design parameters that you have laid out, unfortunately it is always hard juggling looks and optimum design.
Personally to me it looks the goods. 15 years ago I was involved in the show scene so from personal experience I think your onto a good thing as I'm sure were all aware that the 1uz is starting to take off in a big way.
Good luck with it!
And Zuffen, I never new you were a fan (KISS) I can just see you in the Gene Simmons gear with the big boots and the forked tongue. lol!!!!!!!!!

Forget the forked tongue. Check out Gene's pants. He isn't hiding a pistol!

Too often we go for the principal of "if it works who cares what it looks like" (sounds like my car) so I think Nath is on a good thing. The important thing is to not make it harder than it has to be.

Top feed injectors are easier to seal, more available and at a more reasonable price. I'd try and avoid the complex machining as one error and it's throw away 5kg af billet alloy and start again.
I have another design brewing for top feed injectors too but it is more complex.

I understand that top feed work easier but I am really sold on the side feed design. There are 850cc types out there and 6 of these will really flow.

I don't know. I am working in a computer right now so I can make all the mistakes I want before applying to metal. I'm thinking I'll prototype in Perspex block. I'll measure over and over. I want it to work out so I will apply a lot of care.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Ok I found a place who can drill a 21mm diameter hole 340mm deep using a "Gun Drill" commonly used to bore out a rifle etc. cutting teeth expell the cut waste to the dentre of the drill bit which is hollow. Compressed air is blown down the hole and expells the waste at great speed. It also cool the cutting teeth.

I will need to get these holes drill in the block first before I CNC the rest. Thanks for your help.
The Gun Drilling will be done here:

Bell Dies Sydney Pty Ltd.
Address is 152-156 Beaconsfield Street
Revesby 2212 NSW Australia

The CNC work will be done by Newby Engineering in Smithfield NSW Australia.
I don't have their details on hand right now.

They do mighty fine work and it is all High performance stuff. They made a diff for their top Alcohol dragster out of billet Aluminium! They can make anything.
Oh newby also had big horsepower racing boats in their shop when I want there the other day. Nice.
