
The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


Hi Guys

I'm awaiting delivery of my 1UZ. I've decided to knock up a little wheeled truck or dolly I think you'd call it.

It's just to make thinks easier when moving it from the delivery lorry to and around the garage.

Anyone suggest an ideal size or shape? I think from memory my engine has the sump at the front, so wondered if it's liable to tip or lean over when the engine is fully dressed, and as the ancilleries come off.

Anyone done anything similar?


When my engine arrived, i prepared myself just like you right now and got my an engine hoist. Just make sure you got the right bolt side and length for it. I gotta double check. Get it ready before it arrive otherwise you would need lots of good friends over to your house for few beers.

If you have a look at lextremes photos of his engine you can see the engine stand he uses. This allows you to rotate the engine to work on it. They are readilly available for your local tool merchant.

If all you want is a platform on 4 wheels the engine will sit there without any problems even when you remove the accessories.

You would need to use wheels capable of carrying 100kg each and the bed would need a steel frame with a wooden or similar base.

I think it would cost almost as much to make the trolley as buy a new engine stand.

If you buy an engine hoist you can move the engine around by lifting it just clear of the floor and wheeling it. This would save you some money.

My advice is never rent an engine hoist as you will need it longer than you expect and by the time you are finished you will have paid for new one a few times over.
If you really want to save money you can get a used tire and place it one a 1" plywood with four wheels. The sump will site inside of the tire. Its the cheapest way to do it.

Like Zuffen said, an engine hoist is worth every penny especially someday you want to turn the engine or building it.
Cheers Guys,

Yes an engine hoist will eventually be on the cards, and a 'turnable' one sounds interesting.

My Step Father has a welding shop so can knock me up a little trolly of some kind so cost isn't too much of a problem. I was going to do it as the engine delivery will undoubtedly be when I am absent at work, and I want the delivery guys to drop it straight on to something so I can then wheel it under cover into my garage.

Another reason not to use a hoist immediately for this is that I haven't finished my driveway yet and it's still a bit rough.

Nothing like starting a new job before finishing another! :)


Don't mistake an engine hoist for an engine stand. A hoist lifts the engine in and out of the car. You will do this more times than you get down to the local pub! An engine stand allows you to mount the engine in a "rotissserie" so you can turn it over to work on the sump (or whatever) and spin it around right side up.

Spend less than 100pounds and buy a hoist it will save you heaps. My wife (god bless her) asked why would I buy one of them? 9 months later I would have turned the local hire shop proprietor into a millionaire! and I can put it on ebay and get most of my money back.
Zuffen your motor is a yo yo in and out more often that i do work. i don't know how i did it but i have not had to pull mine out once. althought to get the A/C pump in it might be the easiest way.
Mark just think it through a mate of mine has done three years of a conversion without a trolley jack he always uses a sissor jack and now he is so close he doesn't think it would be worth it. but if he had his time again it would be worth $300 for a racing trolley jack. the time he has wasted. if you can afford it get the tools early you will not regret the purchase of a winch engine stand and stuff like that

What a great forum!

Yes did get a little confused and spent 30 mins searching Lextreme's homepage for a mythical hoist/stand combo! ha ha

I think in the least I will need a trolly/dolly of some kind just to ease movement for now, and a hoist to lift into the car. The stand maybe a later luxury. I'm not planning too much bottom end work on the engine if I can help it. If I do need to modify the sump then I can do it from underneath the car as luckily when I built my garage I had the foresight to stick a decent pit into the floor. Boy it's been handy for sh*t storage and used for the odd job under a few other cars, now I soon think I'll be living down there! :)

I got my hands on an old trolly some years ago when messing around with a Rover V8, and it was quite handy as I was able to lay the engine on it's side by resting it on wedges of timber while still having it mobile.

As some one has already posted the engine is quite stable when resting on it's sump I think I'll get 500mm or 700mm square knocked up with a thick ply base.


Hi guys,

I've bought both a crane and stand but have come across a pain in the arse problem and wondered if you had any advice.

My engine only came with one block to bell bolt, not a problem as it's a long way from an install, however I need them to mount it on the stand, plus the one bolt I have isn't long enough!

I believe I need 4 M12 100mm long with a 1.25mm thread pitch and high shear strength to take the engine weight.

How did you guys get around this as can't find a supplier locally?


Lextreme said:
I had a thread about this issue somewhere.
Ow.... Jesus, is that a bad joke??? ;)

Actually just found an online supplier who'se sticking some in the post to me right now!

Out of interest are 4 bolts ok to take all that weight?????


Four will do it easilly. Just make sure you get as much of the thread into the block as you can.

Four have been holding mine for the last 6 months.
