Does anyone have a blown sc400 tranny lying around? (WTB used solenoid ASAP)!!!
Hey guys, Ive been trying to find somone with a blown a340e auto tranny from a uzz30 sc400 that would be willing to sell me a few solenoids. I checked the prices from the dealer but they are rediculously expensive. Let me know if you can help me out, I can send you some pdf's from the fsm if you want to know what they are or how to remove them. You can email me at [email protected]
Hey guys, Ive been trying to find somone with a blown a340e auto tranny from a uzz30 sc400 that would be willing to sell me a few solenoids. I checked the prices from the dealer but they are rediculously expensive. Let me know if you can help me out, I can send you some pdf's from the fsm if you want to know what they are or how to remove them. You can email me at [email protected]