Divorce Approaching

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


Well I got offered a Half cut for a price that I was unable to refuse yesterday. My employer is pretty keen on it as to build the first ever UZN26 Hilux. My wife is not amused
I work from the approach that if my wife is not amused then I am not doing something right. I find that the fun stuff usually does not make her happy.

So I say job well done.

Amateur ;) I just parked my new race car in the garage under a cover a d it took her a month to notice it was a new car :) we just go back from hols overseas to find a bent Merc wreck in the driveway.....dunno honey? Someone must have dumped it? What an amazing find to discover it has had a single turbo 2JZ conversion performed on it ;)
I had a wife that was not amused by my wasting of money (her words) on toys of a mechanical nature. I traded her in for one that encourages me to spend money on toys of a mechanical nature, who has her own dirt bike and told me to go buy the Hilux.

Trust me, this way is better :D
Mine asked me one time many years ago ".....how much all this car stuff is costing.....".

I told her "A lot less than a 25 year old mistress."
The funny part is she isn't complaining about the price just the fact that it is here. Got told today that I need a shed. Got told today that I need a shed and reminded her that she wouldn't let me have a shed until she has her new kitchen (ordered that this week)
Divorce is expensive! Beware of beautiful women coming with delectable offerings of love and pleasure...Marriage is often, but not always over rated...Friendship is key....And a Hot women that can turn a wrench...

