Cobra's 1UZFE with 4x2 Carb

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.

Lextreme II

Active Member
Here are some pictures from our member Cobra and his quad carb setup. Any questions, please address them to Cobra.
I am thinking about a early model Ford Capri. circa 1970.
I reckon I could do some cool skids in that. Maybe even a broady or two.
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I don't know if there is any HP increase but the good thing is that I can get rid of all the efi stuff and run it without an ecu.

May even box in the carbs and run Twin Turbo's
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I hope your setup works better that my carby setup did, i had 2 x 350 holleys adapted to the oridginal lower inlet manifold, for spark i modified a chrysler V8 electronic dizzy to drive of the front of the left camshaft, similar to one of yours. I used a MSD 6AL as the ignition module. On the Dyno Dianamics dyno it ran a best of 150rwhp which is way down on the 214rwhp the same motor has run with fuel injection. There may have been more in the carbys with more development.

Your setup looks the part, i hope it works out well.

There's an early Capri sitting in Waitara. It belongs to one of the guys from Overkill Engineering (in Hunter Lane near the Bowling Alley) who was going to put a 1UZ in it.

I bought his engine off him.

One point to keep in mind the car has to pass the EPA test for the same year as the engine's manufacture or the car whichever is the later. I don't think you'll get the emissions that low on carbs.

The linkages look like they'll be fun to make work properly.
My understanding of the EPA rules are that the motor has to pass the emmissions for the date of the vehicle's VIN.

A mate of mine put a 1UZ in a 1960 Dodge Phoenix. He had no issues with engineering. Emmission standards were not heard of in 1960
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COBRA, I'm not sure on the rules in NSW , in QLD the emmissions level required is based on the date the engine was manufactured.

LEX, I don't have any photo's at the moment, I will try & get some.
very interesting set up, looks great, i would have thought you'd be able to rework the toyota dizzys to work without the computer though. i also thought you'd have two not four carb as in your first post.

you'd have to be carefull with jetting as they normally run a 4.1 litre motor each, what did you do about the two stage butterfly operation? are the ports siameased? (do two ports have one opening with carb on top) if so then that is even more interesting as you'd have four small butterflies open at low speed and eight open at WOT. m
thanks Dean
I went in a different direction. I shelved the quads and went with twin 2 inch SU carbs taken off a 4.2 litre Jag. I modified the standard Lexus air plenum to take the mountings.
This motor is not a serious project, it is more something to play with. I had ideas of putting it in a boat but at the moment it is sitting in the garage collecting dust. If anyone wants to buy it then make me an offer.
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