Chris Benoit

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Lextreme II

Active Member
Wrestling Champ Chris Benoit Found Dead With Family
Death Comes a Day After Wrestler Missed Pay-Per-View Appearance. Very sad.... I watched him perform for over 20 years. He will be missed. What an athlete.


My friend gather a list of wrestlers (entertainment version) and their cause of death. Very interesting. The most common is suicide or heart-vascular disease.
I wonder if that death was contributed to an over abundance use of steriods or other performance enhancing drugs over a long period of time...

I am a big fan of the UFC, IFL, Pride, and all other Mixed martial arts events.. Ironically, Mostly all the retired olympic wrestlers dominate the mixed martial arts sceen once they adjust to the all around fighting styles... Unfortunately steroid use dominates the wrestling sport in college and the professional ranks...

Over long extended use of stacking steriods there will be ill effects.. Heart disease especially..
oh yeah

I never watched WWF too much. Only in the Andre the Giant/Hogan days. I watch all UFC and Pride fights though. Next fights on the 7th in Sacramento. Here's the fight card

I think Evans is going to hand Ortiz his --s. I thought Ortiz would quit after Liddell beat him twice. There's going to be some good fights coming up with Rampage Jackson. Did you watch the Cro Cop beat [SIZE=-1]Wanderlei Silva.[/SIZE]
You've got to watch these Cro Cop knock outs. Check it out. Real Intense.
I never watched WWF because it was so fake and the acting was bad to boot... I was a big boxing fan forever but now gravitated to MMA...I don't even watch boxing anymore, it's a joke... I watched the Ricky Hatton fight recently on HBO and fell asleep...

Tempeheat - Evans is a beast whom flies under the radar and will destroy Tito no dought..Superior wrestler, superior striker... Rampage Jackson against Dan (hollywood) Henderson should be a good fight coming up... Merco Cro spanked Silva in pride, but Merco has a glass jaw. Hit him before he hits you and you win..Catch a left leg kick from Merco and you go down...

I watch every UFC... Now that Pride and UFC is under the same ownership there should be some good MMA fights coming up...

Also, Now that ESPN is covering MMA and the UFC I feel Boxing is forever doomed..MMA is your new full contact sport and it's exploding and boxing is dying.... Watch....

What happen to the Iceman Chuck Lidell? The boy takes a million shots to his jaw in every other fight of his career and never gets rocked or knocked out, then Rampage clips him with a looping shot and he goes down...I was shocked at that...

Sorry LEX wrestling and MMA go hand in hand... A new MMA thread is probably in order...Just don't think to many motor heads are into MMA...
I see these contribute threads popping up saying how great he was etc... well he was an asshole, killed his son and mother of his child. I dont care who you are after you do that, you are a weak coward.

You are right. We should be sensitive to the family. His son and wife were innocent. Chris should have hung himself instead of taking his whole family members along. I have two kids and I trully felt the hit when a whole family die because the dad abused drugs and steroids.
I did some research on his untimely death and his family's on the web. If he did this, then I believe he is paying his due for now and eternity...It is an unspeakable crime, and very disturbing.

According to the web search I found, the last test Benoit had was negative for drugs and steroids. Just an FYI...

I know they are ruling this an apparent double murder suicide, but that is not for sure. I think we should hold off until we know more definitively what happened.

what's MMA?

MMA - Mixed Martial Arts...It's a two person combative sport that is usually held in an octagon or boxing ring where any mixed martial art styles go...Including wrestling, Judo and Jinjitsu which all go hand and hand, to the other uses of techniques such as kick boxing and boxing, katate, Greco Roman wrestling (dirty boxing)... The object is either to knock out your opponent standing up or submit him on the ground with a choke and or joint lock... Basically no rules and very small gloves.. Kicks to the head are allowed but no ball shots....

It's a very intertaining sport to watch once you get use to all the violence. Suprisingly no one dies or gets severly injured.....MMA is spanning the globe..Getting real big in the UK now, and the last UFC was in Ireland... Japan it's huge as well as Bushido..

Anyway, sorry to sway the topic fellas, just a big fan of MMA and wrestling stars....
eh, i like violence in my video games, not on TV. but whatever floats your boat....

i'm more into F1, if i watch any sports at all.

it's really sad, and kind of sickening to hear this particular story. my mom first told me about it, but she didn't know the name of the guy. it makes it even worse to know it was Chris Benoit who killed his family and himself for some unknown reason.
Steroids and the aggrevating effect they create in ones mind is most likely an underlining cause of this tragidy maybe along with depression is my guess.. Thow in a little insanity too...

Amaena what is F1? Formula racing maybe?

If he killed his family than his is a MURDER regardless how you see it. Suicide is one thing, taking people along with you is MURDERING. Not too long ago in Virginia University. That sicko was a Murder. If he took his own life than its suicide.


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I guess suicide is not enough for these pshyco's...They want to out in a blaze of glory and take others out with them... Maybe to get their name out there on the news, or maybe because they are just murdering bastards... Who know's..

To kill your own family say's you got one or two bolts loose in the ole noodle for sure...


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yes F1 stands for Formula 1. i don't really watch it much anymore, but i do follow the tech bits they have on the website.

Benoit killing his family is even stranger than a thought. according to MSN, he was a family man, who spent as much time with his wife ans son as he could.
