car wont start

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
i was changing my starter and after putting the car back together . the car will not start . it turns catches a bit then turn off like in a second if that. now this what i think. i have an extra wire:shock: that not connected. it is connected to the third injector on the right side i dont know what is is and i dont remember it at all its about 4 inches long. that loose. and i think it not getting feul i think . becuase i realize on the fuel rail there the bolt has ahole in the middle and on the side i just want to know if they have to line up with the feul line bridge. i may have turned it wrong. and on the throttle body the device that makes noise whe n you turn the key to on make a click click click click click click not normal at all. it use to make a click click and that it.. ok guys what do you thing it may be. remember it starts for a sec then turn off not even long enough for me to hit the gas .i am sure i mess something up. any advice thanks
The 4 inches thing you talking about its called the cold start injector. Make sure you plug both the fuel line and the plug back. Does the engine turn at all? If its just click, click, click double check the battery. I always tell people double check the starter before putting things back. Remember the method how to diagnose the faulty article? People should do that before putting the intakes and accessories back. That is what I did and save me 5 hours of work. Two days ago I also install a starter. After the two 14 mm bolts goes back and the starter wires were plug in. I test start the engine. It didnt turn. It just click few times.... The starter I got was bad. However, it would cost me a lot of time if I put everything back.
ok so you are saying the plug connects to the cold start injector? and the engine turns. catches a bit then just turns off. the click is not coming form the starter it is coming from the a part od the throttle body that has aplug connected to it with 6 prungs to it with a rubber peice going around it. that makes the click click click click click . however the statrter does turn . i going to try to take a pic if i can find the camera lol. thanks for he info
guys guest what i forgot to plug the top coil in how stupid . this what happen when you work on a car at night lol . now it just starte right up
