New Member
i was changing my starter and after putting the car back together . the car will not start . it turns catches a bit then turn off like in a second if that. now this what i think. i have an extra wire:shock: that not connected. it is connected to the third injector on the right side i dont know what is is and i dont remember it at all its about 4 inches long. that loose. and i think it not getting feul i think . becuase i realize on the fuel rail there the bolt has ahole in the middle and on the side i just want to know if they have to line up with the feul line bridge. i may have turned it wrong. and on the throttle body the device that makes noise whe n you turn the key to on make a click click click click click click not normal at all. it use to make a click click and that it.. ok guys what do you thing it may be. remember it starts for a sec then turn off not even long enough for me to hit the gas .i am sure i mess something up. any advice thanks