Australia World Cup Match win!

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Lextreme II

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World Cup

Just watched the Japan Vs. Australia football this morning. Finally score, 3:1 Australia. Japan got an early goal in the first half. The Japanese were dominating the first 80 minutes of the game. However, the Aussies never quit and score three goals in the last few minutes. This is the first time Australia ever win a World Cup game. WOW....
We call this game soccer!!! Get it right....he he....goooooooaaaaaalllllllllll

How is USA going to fair in the World Cup this go around? Did we even qualify this time? This sport is catching on faster here in the States in the recent years...It could be because of the Latino influence or our dominating women teams...

Europe and South America are all about football... I was in Scottland a while back and after a championship match I think between England and Scottland (the Scotts won) and the people were going so crazy in the streets and just out of their minds...My girl friend and I ran for shelter....Let's just say they take that sport very seriously like we do out cars but worse..........Mexico too...
This is a big day for Football in Australia.

We have 4 codes of large ball sports played in winter.

Australian Rules, (AFL) 36 players on a field the size of an Olympic stadium with four goal posts each end giving a combination or 3 scoring options. The players are big and fit.

National Rugby League (NRL) played by 26 players on a field simillar to Rugby or US Football and the players are heavier the not as smart. Read plain thick.

Rugby Union (ARL) played by 30 players on a fields identical to NRL and the players are taller and fitter than NRL.

Then you have Football (also called Soccer) which is growing at an amazing pace with younger players and startng to give the other codes a run for their money. Our large ethnc communities contribute greatly to our Football strength but also gave the sport the name of "wogball" in Australia for many years.

Most of Australia's really talented players play in Europe so don't get to train together as much as other counties. This makes it hard for them to gell as a team and play well at an international level.
Zuffen, you not only know cars but you also know sports..good stuff...I didn't think anyone on these forums gave sports a second thought..WOW..

Curious did you ever play any of these sports in your younger days growing up in Australia? I was an all star soccer/football goalie/ goal tender in an AYSO soccer league in my early teens. We got to play in the Hawian Islands for the tournament finals and lost unfortunately ..Got a few trophies sitting around the house from those days....Fun most of the time as a kid until the break away forwards would come in and score on me every now and then..I hated that...I Never had the footwork or endurance to play on the field and run and run and run...but always wanted too..I guess because of my height of 6 feet 6 inches they the coaches always stuck me under net and taught me the position growing up. I guess they thought I could get stops pretty well with dives and what days but I must say it was boring being under net all the time...Not enough action for me so I quit the sport.........Basketball and Tennis were my favorite sports to play growing up...and beach volleyball...
im not saying people shoudlnt watch soccer by any means, but i just never got it. theres something about a 90 plus minute game that results in a thrilling 0-0 draw, im sorry but i just cant get into that. that coupled with the german dive i saw on friday which made me absolutely sick. in the sports i watch, if they bring out a stretcher for a guy, its because theres a decent chance hes never going to walk again. apparently in soccer it means hes going wave off the stretcher when it comes out and then score the game clincher 5 minutes later.

i think ill stick with baseball, football, hockey and of course racing. i am starting to get into cricket though. pretty cool sport once you learn its intricacies.
jibbby said:
Zuffen, you not only know cars but you also know sports..good stuff...I didn't think anyone on these forums gave sports a second thought..WOW..
Zuffen is showing his jk
most aussie kids play cricket, can swing a bat, play a bit of soccer and kick a footy (AFL).

i fell aslepp during the game at about 80 mins in - man i can't believe i missed australia score 3 goals in 5 mins, that's just unheard of.

hnknrob- soccer is about the challenge of playing within the rules as much as it is scoring a goal. when you can't use your hands, can't late tackle, can't obstruct the goalie and have be onside all the time ( just to name a few rules ) it becomes quite a challenging game and lots of fun to play.

people taking dives is just not on - but it's a lot better than it was. now they're not allowed to interrupt play, which used to happen in 2-1 situation and the winning team would just stall till the end. taking a dive is more to draw attention to the fact you've been fouled, not being a ***** about someone knocking shins with you.

oh, and japans only goal should have been disallowed due to goalie obstruction - so really it's a 3-0 win.
I started playing Football at 7 and changed to Rugby Union (Private School) at 12 and back to Soccer in my last year at (the same) School.

Played in the School first XI and then played Premier division in Sydney (which was as good as it got) until told to leave the sport because I was being knocked about too much as I only weighed 55KG (121 lb)

I started coaching Football in my second last year of School and continued until 5 years ago (31 years!).

I'm a Football referee and run 3-4 games per Saturday for my boys School.

Oh and yes I was sent off once for a dangerous tackle. The charge was dismissed as the committee took one look at me and one at the guy I took out and "impossible". It pays to be little sometimes.
Dont know where this belongs.. but I was pretty excited watching the match.
I figured that there are a lot of people on this board from Australia so I'de go ahead and congradulate them!
Good job!.. not that any of you are soccer stars.. not that any of you even watch it.. I dunno.. I was just stunned really to see the victory!
Awesome footballing!
anyhow.. i'm gonna go ahead and finish watching the matches
jibbby said:
We call this game soccer!!! Get it right....he he....goooooooaaaaaalllllllllll

Jibbbbbby and all other Yanks who think Hollywood version of the world is the only one please read this extract from wikipidea...

"Both American football and soccer have their origins in varieties of football played in the United Kingdom in the mid-19th century, and American football is directly descended from rugby football.
Rugby was first introduced to North America in Canada, brought by the British Army garrison in Montreal which played a series of games with McGill University. Both Canadian and American football evolved from this point. For an in-depth overview of the differences and similarities of Canadian football and American football see: Comparison of Canadian and American football"

Not having a dig at Americans but just trying to point out that the bible and indeed time itself didn't exactly start when the Mayflower landed and that you should question everything uniquely American as chances are it's roots are Uk or mainland Europe.

Anyway Rugby Union (or Rugby Football / Footie) is my game as it's for real men but uniquely a game where there is a position on the field for any player whether the tallest/biggest/shortest/leanest. It's all encompassing and tough but the best builder of teams. Not too old to play but I'd think 10 times before I got on the field again as if you get it wrong it bloody hurts! ;o)

Football world cup is interesting and will support England though failing to get too excited at the moment. It can be beautiful art at times but overall it's not enough to keep me watching. the Socceroos had a good game and will keep an eye out for them as quite a few Aussies playing in UK domestic leagues.

Team USA? Don't know enough but trust me Football (Soccer) is coming to the US and within 20 years will be as big a draw as American Foorball.



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Yeah USA stinks in the World cup and just when I thought we were getting better we get slammed, what a shame...

Skid - Nice break down on the history of the games....Here in the States, I have never met a auto mechanic that can run a mile without throwing up let alone talk sports...You Aussies mix it up well...Good deal...

Now I need to set the record straight once and for all...So many times I have heard that Rugby is a real mans game and American football is for girls with pads and what not...Let me tell you American football is a real mans sport and the pads are thin and light in weight so you can run, injuries happen in every game, broken bones, concusions, even crippled at times, etc.. etc.. These guys in the NFL (the premier American pigskin football league) are huge men that are olympic caliber sprinters, juiced up on steriods, and will hurt you big time...

I would love to see the best Aussie or European rugby team go up against the best NFL Amercan football team in a game that is suited for both some how...You guys would get dought in my mind... You Aussies have the heart and toughness, but not the size or speed to compete...Just my take..

I played American football for one year and quit...Why you ask? Try catching the pig skin football coming over the middle of the field of play and get hit head on by a 250lb big ugly black man linebacker whom is angry as hell and would love nothing more then to see you twitching and unconcious laying on ground... I took a hit or two and said forget it and I was over 200lbs myself...

Tennis, volleyball, cricket, golf, etc..those are not real men sports...There I said it...

Since I am on a roll...World cup soccer/football has way too much acting and faking of injuries going on...Example: A player gets bumped and starts rolling around on the grass looking like he is going to die or something then gets carried off the field just to try and get the foul..pathetic....Two minutes later he is back on the field running around with no noticeable injuries...That pisses me off. They should make a new rule anyone who fakes an injury should be injured by the opposing team...Instead of free goal kicks, free ass kicks...Acting should be left for Hollywood and the movies and not the playing field..:buttkick: :biggrin:
The American team totally lost 0-3 this time. No chance at all. However, I believe the American team will be better if there're enough supports from the people, which will draw some investors into this sport. Sports draw $$$.

John, I apologize for saying this about American football if I offend you or anyone. To me, American football is a meat to meat game. Although it requires the skills to run and throw the ball, it doesn't seem like a sport that has the true spirit of original sport. I used to play football in high school but it never attracted me. Honestly, I was good at football, too. Please know what I'm saying is what I'm thinking. I don't intend to hurt anyone's feeling. However, if I played soccer, I always loved it for its team cooperation and the skill required to hit the goal. Soccer is a lot harder to play than football. And a good part of it was when I sweated like a pig.

I used to watch soccer a lot because I love it. But man, I haven't had much chance lately. I got so busy. I'll try to watch the final games.
We all laugh at the guy rolling around on the ground in pain because he jumps up and starts running again.

Think about it.

If you bang your shin on the towbar it hurts a lot. Yet two minutes later you're walking around and if you were fit enough you could run.

I know there are some guys out for an Oscar but that's how you get the refereee to give you the free kick. I'll bet in NFL there are guys who take a dive occassionally.

The worst part about NFL is it runs for hours and I end falling down from all the booze I drink because nothing's happening. When you have two teams on each side to play it makes it easy to have monsters out there doing Olympic sprints.

The other codes limit the interchange to (usually) 2-3 players during the game which means the players need to be able to run for 90 minutes non stop.
Steve - not offended at all I quit football too....

Zuffen - If you think the NFL is slow you would really love American Baseball, you would not fall over you would fall asleep..:sleeping: ..It's about as exciting as watching golf.....
first - go the socceroos!!! whoo whoo whoo!

B) baseball rocks - go the brewers! I used to play for a sydney comp - never drunk so much whilst in competition.

3. Cricket is better! you'll never drink as much as you do at a summer one day match!

3a. Golf. Yawn. zzzzzzz.....

E) Danica Patrick wants me! but not nearly as much as I want her.

vi. There is a possiblility that if the US win their group and we come second in ours we could go up against each other in rnd2. That'd be awesome fun!

Oh - and the ref from the aus v *** game apologised for his mistake allowing the japanese goal when it should have been a foul.
My favorite sports too watch-

American football
Nude women mud wrestling (he he)

Ps. I don't think Dana Patrick is all that..Looks a little Tom boyish to me...Probably a switch hitter, putts from both sides of the ruff...besides she can't even win a race...
when the japanese scored their one goal of the game, didn't the guy push the goaly over in the process? which isn't allowed :p

or, was that a different match I was watching replays for? lol
