A341E connecting the shiftingvalves?

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New Member

I just recived my tranny, and i will make an electronic shiftcontroller my self, by using a mini PLC, and +/-/lock-up switches on the steeringwheel.

I have succesfully done a few controllers before, but they where for Nissan trannies.

On the connector there is 6 wires, 2purple/pink, 2 red, 2black, and in these 3colors theres one off each color with a stripe on it.

So my question is:
How are they connected?

The connector(2wires) on the same side, but further "forward" on the gearbox is the lock-up valve. Right?

Or does anyone have a diagram for the gearbox?


2 wire sensors front and rear are speed sensors
front is for over run clutch speed

rear one is output shaft speed

sol a and b are pos triggered and earth inside box

sol 3 and 4 which arent really needed are neg trig at ecu and get power thru black/red

the colours u have said arenotonesi knowoftopof myhead sosorry cant help any more

double check the wires and look if they have a trace colour thru them

search the net enough like i do and u eventually find info
Thanks for you're reply, yes theres a lot of info on the net, but i havent found excactly what i'm looking for yet.
But the Google search pointed at Lextreme in most of the cases, so i just asked here who knows, there might be some dude some where, with all the info in the head?(and if he do, he will most velcome to write it here:wink1: )
Here i am again , this time with some usefull info i hope.

The wirecolors on the connector are: 2 wires black/red, 1pink, 1pink/blue, 1red/white, 1red/yellow(or orange).

If i understand it right, there are 2 solenoids, for four gears?
In that case is it in binarynumbers(1=0 - 2=1 -3=2 - 4=1+2)then?
Don't they have a lock-up valve?

Sketch of the connector:
Heres a picture with yellow text, i hope they are easier to see.

The colors change drasticly, when you change it from DWG to JPEG files.
well going thru my wiring diagrams

the 2 x black/red they are ign to solenoids 3 and 4 the other side of the solenoids ar eearthed thru the ecu
these are lockup and pressure solenoids which arent really needed

pink is solenoid 1 or solenoid a for gear shifting

pink/blue is solenoid 2 or b for gear shifting

these have a positive trig from the ecu and are earthed thru gbox

red/yellow is neg trigger for line pressure solenoid

pink/white is neg trigger for lock up solenoid

hope this helps
It helps indeed!!

Thank you!

I do have one little question left, i know i can figure it out my selv, once the driveline is in the car.
But iwould hope to get it all together before, it goes in the car.

The question is, which solenoids to which gears? (no power=?gear, power on sol A=?gear, power on sol B=? gear, sol A+B=?gear)
if u give sol a 12v u get 1st gear

sol a and b 12v at same time u get 2nd

sol b 12v u get 3rd

no power to sol a and b u get overdrive
Thank you once again!

That was really apriciated.

I think i can do a straight swap, with the controller i have made for the Nissan's?
I don't remember exactly, but it will only be some reprogramming, if it needs changing.
Ok, i have one more question?

How does the line pressure work?
Is the pressure falling or rising when you engage it.
And is it a digital or analog input?(on Nissan it's analog0-5v)
not sure never bothered to test it


The reasson i ask, is that on a Nissan, it does matter.

Linepressure is for lowering the pressue during shifting, for a smoothe shift, not something we really need anyway.
If the Toyota tranny works well, whithout any linepressure tampering, i dont want to waste my time on that either.

But if you have to lower the pressure(like the Nissan), it's a whole different thing.

Don't you ever use the lock-up? I would say it's very efficient, if not a must, when you "take off"
At what rpm does it lock by it self?
lock up when u take offf
why would u use it then
factory ecu turns it on only when cruising

if its on under heavy load u wil stuff solenoid or converter

its not really revs related

its just only on when very light throttle

before u go turning it on mae sure u know how and why it works

when u say effiecient it means jack **** when accelerating

its purely for curising and at hi speeds and small throttle openings
and makes the converter direct drive

i have tip tronic onmy car and no line pressure solenoid conncted

its ok

i guess if u want it to feel std then dont bother doing it my way

but then my box in std form was a piece of **** like all toyota auto boxes in std form they are very smooth and nice

not for driving them hard
The first "tip tronic" Toyota i tried, was a 1G-GTE, with a hilux transfer i think it was a A340?
But it was very "slow" in the start, because the converter stalled/locked at to high revs, or did'nt stall at all? Anyway he connected the lock-up, and it worked!

I can fully understand if it dosent hold up to max torque at very low revs, but i have seen it hold, when you engage it around 2500rpm, and there is a difference in acceleration! (dont know for how long though)

Anyway i am not into making a smoothe shift, i want it to shift period!
But the shifitng can be a bit slow, when you shift under power, thats the main reasson i was thinking of playing with the linepressure/lockup, perhaps one should cut a few ignitions while shfitng, to ease the shift?

I have to say, that i have never driven a 1uzfe/a341, so i dont know how the converter/shifting acts, but have heard that they tend to drag a bit, in the shifts.

And once again Sideshow, i am very happy with you're inputs, since i'm new to this Toyota V8 world, it helps alot to hear, some todo's and not todo's.

I was just thinking, perhaps i should ask in another way: How would you do this:
It has to shift hard and accurate/consistant, when i want it to.
And i want traction, when i hit the gas, i can live with some converter"sliding" (i have to), but the shift must be on my demand.

I used an Omron Zen PLC to control my A340. All the info you have so far is right on track. I mounted the switch buttons on my steering wheel also. I have since change over to my Rail Shifter. See my website. Also there is info on finding out what wire is for what.
Good luck
I used an Omron Zen PLC to control my A340. All the info you have so far is right on track. I mounted the switch buttons on my steering wheel also. I have since change over to my Rail Shifter. See my website. Also there is info on finding out what wire is for what.
Good luck

got a link for the website?
I used an Omron Zen PLC to control my A340. All the info you have so far is right on track. I mounted the switch buttons on my steering wheel also. I have since change over to my Rail Shifter. See my website. Also there is info on finding out what wire is for what.
Good luck

Thanks for the good info.
Nice railshifter!

The other controllers i have made, was built on omron CPM1A's just because i have easy acces to them, but now i have some "Zen's" lying on the shelve, so i might use that, for this projekt.

The project has been standing still for quite some time now, because i have had very little sparetime, and as you all know, your'e garageprojects are the first to suffer(right after the family:biggrin: )

But it seems like i have a chance to proceed now.

I know how you feel. Mine sat for a year while I tried to figure out what to do for shifting. I even tried to buy one with no response from the vendor.
Good Luck.
