Through the process of building turbo 1UZ E36 BMW, I'm changing the valve body so it can handle boost more effectively.
PROBLEM - the Soarer 1UZ A340E valve body uses:
SOLUTION - installing a Prado A343F valve body provides:
The valve body bolts in without any issue and the wiring harness is an easy swap. The only issue is that the A343F has no drain hole under the Clutch-0, so the Soarer accumulator has been replaced with the Prado unit - it fits without any issue, but makes it hard to install the valve body in the car.
Further to this, I used the casing plug from the Prado to plug the hole left once the throttle cable was removed. I've also fitted the Prado oil pan as it takes another 5 litres of oil.
The only drawback is the Soarer has a linear solenoid for the torque converter lockup (SLU) and an internal oil temp sensor
The Prado uses an on/off solenoid to run the torque converter lockup and the temp sensor is fitted externally in the cooler outlet pipe.
Once I have the car running/tuned and have some time to play around with the Haltech auto configuration, I will post some results.

PROBLEM - the Soarer 1UZ A340E valve body uses:
- cable from the throttle body to control line pressure (the more right foot you give it, the more pressure you get)
- solenoid to control accumulator back pressure (modulates the clutch/brake application to make it smooth or firm)
SOLUTION - installing a Prado A343F valve body provides:
- solenoid to control line pressure (mapped to boost instead of throttle position)
- accumulator pressure is internally linked to line pressure (two birds with one stone)
The valve body bolts in without any issue and the wiring harness is an easy swap. The only issue is that the A343F has no drain hole under the Clutch-0, so the Soarer accumulator has been replaced with the Prado unit - it fits without any issue, but makes it hard to install the valve body in the car.
Further to this, I used the casing plug from the Prado to plug the hole left once the throttle cable was removed. I've also fitted the Prado oil pan as it takes another 5 litres of oil.
The only drawback is the Soarer has a linear solenoid for the torque converter lockup (SLU) and an internal oil temp sensor
The Prado uses an on/off solenoid to run the torque converter lockup and the temp sensor is fitted externally in the cooler outlet pipe.
Once I have the car running/tuned and have some time to play around with the Haltech auto configuration, I will post some results.