A terrible story of a teen and M5 BMW..

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
Teens and fast cars don't mix...A message to parents...

I saw this another forum and thought I would share it on this one.. It brings back a horrible memory of a very simular accident that I witnessed 15 years ago when a drunk in an SUV hit 4 teens in a convertible Chrystler Labaron sending them into a big oak tree killing all 4 teens.. I was the first on the sceen to check for life.. It is an image I will never forget as long as I live..... I just hate to see this type of things happen and want to bring about awareness.... Don't buy your teen a super fast car as a first, it is not a good combination..


Shoot this link is not grabbing...Let me try again...
did you see the distance from the airport runway to the tree they hit 15 feet up in the air?, that soaring must have been such a frightening feeling; hopefully they went unconscious before impact.
As a motor insurer for too many years I had to deal with quite a few Widows and one Widower.

I don't care how it happens it is always ugly and traumatic for those left behind.

At least now I know I will never have to deal with another "fatal" as I left the industry.
...hopefully they went unconscious before impact.

Apparently the driver was while behind the wheel. In one instant that stupid kid ruined 5 families. Shame on his father for not protecting the kid from himself. I can see the law suits coming now...
You said it Cebby. I get so frustrated with parents who try to substitute expensive gifts for the love and attention that their kids really need.

I live in an affluent little community north of Houston and we see this a lot. An 18 year old kid from a very wealthy family made our front page a few years ago when he stuffed his brand new Cobra Mustang (a graduation present) into an underpass, killing himself and 2-3 other kids as they were going to or from their Senior Prom. The car had less than 200 miles on it. I can't imagine how a parent would feel, knowing that he/she provided the means for their child to kill himself and the children of 2-3 other families.

Sorry to step on the toes of you younger members, but IMO giving an 18 year old a high powered car or motorcycle is like giving a monkey a loaded shotgun.
In most State of Australia you need to have held your licence for a certian period (it varies between States) before you can legally drive a high powered vehicle.

Only a few V8 are permitted as they are in low powered 4x4's.

When my eldest gets his learners permit in 6 months he will be driving a used Mercedes A Class as it has 4 airbags, Stability control and ABS.

I figure there are cheaper cars out there but the cost of replacing him would be a little excessive.


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incredibly sad that this could happen to these poor kids. I am 19 and had my SC for a year including an accident that involved a deer, a slick road, and a tree. I admit I was driving a little fast for the turn and driving conditions, but since then i have learned to keep my ass planted to the road by taking it slower. Its not as fun, but its better than the alternative. They say that the only way to develop skills is time, but some people sadly don't have all the time in the world.
