7.2 Earthquake @ Christchurch NZ?

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
Damage to Zed. Bonnet, guard and wiper panel are royally ruined. Windscreen smashed, roof has two big dents in A pillar region from bricks.

260c was similar.

Wall they were parked next to. Note rows of bricks missing from top, and roof not supported for like 5m. Wall is very dodgy, sways in the wind spec.

Moved the cars back.

So yeah, unsure what to do at this stage. Has been talk of getting all our crap out before monday incase they condemn the building unsafe and we can't get in to get our stuff.
Landlord thinks we should just keep away from wall and it will get fixed but we really aren't sure.

Neither of our cars were insured, and we are unsure whether the Landlords insurance will cover it.

The whole town is ruined. Like properly. Major flooding, people without water/power, most main roads have huge gaping cracks and upturned pavement, lots of houses broken.
Check this river, the riverbed has lifted above the water line.

Still, we are lucky to get away unhurt. Very glad about this.
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I think we have a couple members in Christchurch itself, ie 4000GT and probably others. Hey Andrew, are you OK?

Well, I suppose if food, water, utilities and other essentials aren't up & running yet, chances are these guys aren't going to be browsing our forum........
Cribb, thank for the info...Wow, I certainly feel for them all. Let's hope that there were no serious injuries or fatalities. Human life is so precious. Now let's hope they are able to dig through the rubble, rebuild, and not experience too much hardship as they do so.

Please keep us updated as to how they are doing John.

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Hey, yes it was a massive shake! Unbelievably no one lost their lives in the quake. Incredible really considering the quake that killed so many in Haiti was of a less magnitude. Its really a testimony to the building standards and a certain amount of luck. We were even back at work today!
Good to hear our members are not hurt. Disasters are never good. Our world is not the same anymore. More and more disasters will come in our way.

Personally i have enough water and food for my family for 4 months. I have enough gas to get me about 400 miles and fuel for cooking. I hope this will teach us a lesson. Be prepare and it is your duty to protect your family.


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That's a fair old crack in the street cricket pitch, a man could loose his keys in there.

Glad your all ok, looks like there will be a big influx of builders to CHCH should help out the local economy ultimately.
I have felt the ground move but have never seen it, imagine seeing the road or your house split up in front of you. Wow I'm amazed there was no deaths.

Think yourselves lucky we now have a Ranga as a prime minister backed up by a bunch of mad independents and greenies. Time to hide the guns (again) and my thirsty V8.
also heard this side that no lifes last,witch is great!!
anything else can be replaced, as sad as that may sound!!
So we just had another epic shake in Christchurch. 65 confirmed dead after about 8 hours and could probably expect double that at least.

Flipin' crazy after the first one where no one at all was killed and this was less on the rhictor scale..

I'm trying to track down a few mates there. Got hold of most of them but 3 that I have not heard from.

No cell phones or land lines, emergency services number is down and the radio is also down.

Been told off for swearing in this thread last time so !@#$$*&(

I hope all NZ guys are OK.

I'm about 550k away so all good.

Here for pictures - http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/4688231/65-dead-in-devastating-Christchurch-quake
The time of the day had the effect on the death toll, this one was middle of the day. Radio is going, land lines are going, cell phones are going 50% of the time. It was a pretty big shake, still hundreds of people missing.
Man, you kiwi's are having a run of bad luck with these quakes. You must be waking up the faults with all that power you're putting to the pavement with your UZ's :)

Hope none of you are affected by this one......
