
The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
I was staring to look about those toyota previa minivans, for my work. They are available in Supercharged all-trac versions.

I was wondering if there is some potential with the 2TZ-FZE engine. Not a 300HP potential but, if it was strong enough to hold like, 200-220HP. I was also wondering if the blower could handle it, or else, if a eaton M62 or M90 could fit in this tight space.

has anyone owned one of those vans? how's the driving? I'm looking specially about the supercharged version because it might not be a lot more powerful than the N/A version (161 VS 138) but there's a lot more torque (201). There's not a lot of ressource on this engine. I googled it and it hasn't showed me interesting info.
Extremely odd engines. They're are laid over at 75* making a normal application installation impossible.
Off-hand. One of the earliest Toyota engine's I can name with piston oil squirters. One of the first descent Toyota stainless steel exhuast manifolds too. Not great, but not horrible.
You do maintenance via the driver's floor hatch lol. They use an intercooled SC14 blower (A good bit larger than the infamous 4a-gze's SC12). Clutch drive for the S/C, and electronic recirculation valve.

There are alot of things I'd have before a Previa, but To each, his own. I'd take the fze over the fe every day of the week. You're only giving up 4 tenths of a compression point to have a S/C with no more loss than an extra pulley to turn off-boost.
It's not just the peak numbers either, the torque curve of the fze is a mountain at around 190ft-lb @ 2000rpm VS 135-140ft-lb @ 2000rpm. More torque idling than the fe makes peak. It trails off slowly from 3600rpm & nose dives around 4800rpm.

The SC14 could definately put out 300bhp. There are enough 4a-gze's that upgrade to them floating around.

Hit me on AIM, I'll send u the pdf's on the 2tz's.
I don't have AIM, sorry, I only have MSN messenger.

the blower clutch is cool, but not cool in the same way. Since the ECU activate the blower when it wants, if i change the pulley i can't use the clutch anymore, if i can't use the clutch anymore, the ECU will be all fucked up because the blower is always on? or it only rely on AFM readings?

That SC14 looks a lot like an eaton unit! And the power it can pushes is very nice. It's not really for the power it can give but more for the immense torque, if i wanna pull a small boat or a quad. if the engine has squirters, then it must be like any turbo/SC engine toyota have made and can handle a lot more power than it provide stock. Also, those engines cost nothing from importers since they are 0 popular. A small 2TZ-FE with an all-trac system, could make a very very nice off-road machine, if you can mount the engine on it's side, think about the kick-butt low grav. center!

if you can send me those PDF please send them to my E-mail

[email protected]

Thanx a lot for the information, i really appreciate it.
Like most FI'ed Toyota's. It runs the fuel off a mass sensor instead of map. Many people find that odd, but eh it's frankly alot easier that way. I know nothing of the system, but if it's looking for resistance on the lock-up clutch signal. You could use an appropriate resistor to take care of that.
Who knows what happens with it. Several trees of possibilities exist.
The MAF will run out of its signal output range (or the ECU will run out of its processing range).
When that happens:
1) The ECU will continue the same amount of fuel - which will undoubtably will be firing the injectors at 100% duration (Which it will long since have been doing anyway). You'd get no more fuel, as the pulse width has alreayd hit it's cieling.
2) The ECU will boost-cut at a certain mass of flow & that needs no further explaination.

#2 is almost a complete given. Other previously deployed, mass sensored, FI'ed Toyota's had already implimented boost cuts at certain mass flows. (22r-te, 4a-gze, 3e-te's, etc. Toyota's done a dozen FI'ed engines in the last 20-25 years.)
I'd like to compare the mass air flow used on this 2TZ with a 7M unit and a 1UZ unit. I should also search for it's injector size.

Maybe there's a way to trick the ECU like the guys do on the 7M with a lexus AFM. like, putting a bigger AFM and increasing injector size along with that AFM size.
It depends. If you go N/A it'll have an AFM that you can easily adjust. If you go fze it'll be a hot-wire maf.
Denso AFM's fall into a bunch of sizes, but for practicality they're grouped into large & small.
Further, they are grouped into gen I & gen II AFM's.
GenI's run a "normal" scale. I.E. idle at low voltage, and increase with flow. (about a 0-5v scale)
Gen II's run a "backwards" scale. Idle @ high voltage & decrease with flow. (5-0v)
genII's also incorpirate the fuel pump switch into the AFM. If the flap door is sucked open by engine vacuum almost to any amount, the switch trips the fuel pump relay.

I can't speak for the 2tz-fe/fze, but I can from alot of small / large afm/maf experiance. Most of the time, it's not worth the swap. Toyota (and Denso during their design for other OEM's) in general does a good job pairing their AFM/MAF's for what the engine will breathe even mildly modified.

(You don't want to know how many times I've been through the 150bhp sohc 3vz-e crowd wanting a large denso 200bhp 3vz-fe afm, or 145bhp 2vz-fe guys wanting a M block maf, or Miata guys wanting a 2vz-fe, or RX-7 AFM.)
