2JZ-GTE Aristo transmission compatible with LS400?

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


Well, the transmission in my 1996 LS400 is, I'm afraid, on its way out. It whines in first and second gear and the shifts aren't as smooth as they are supposed to be. Ok, enough blabber:

Would a 2JZ-GTE Aristo automatic transmission fit in my LS400? I can imagine needing to swap the bellhousing, but the output shafts do look the same. Any possible help in this matter is very much appreciated. Here's a link to an auction for one:

Thank you!
its scary buying stuff of ebay

not sure if the solenoids are similar between the 2

if i get time over next few days ill let u know if the gbox solenoid plugs have the same pins and pin description

i know the later model autos changed how many wires go down to the solenoids
Also, speak with Zohair at BoostLogic in Austin; they make a nice "built" A340E for the Supra's, and I think they just build one for Ryan's SC400.
Anyone know how similar is the SC400 to the LS400 tranny too? I have a 1996 LS400 with bad tranny and I have two SC400 trannies I home and thinking about using the SC400. What do u guys think?
dont think theyre comatable

ls400 has 4 solenoids

s1 s2 sln and slu

s1 and s2 are pos triggered

sln and slu are neg triggered and have one power wire each

so solenoid plug has 6 wires

sc400 has s1 and s2

but it also has sln+ sln-

and slu+ slu-

so this means the sc400 ecu controls both pos and neg side of sln and slu

where as on ls400 the ecu only controls the sln- and the slu-

it might be able to be done and im goin off an sc400 and an ls400 diagram i have

but there is afew diff models so very hard to say

would have to compare solenoid plugs on both autos to see if they are similar
Wow, well thank you for that. What year LS by the way? If it was an earlier year LS (90-94) it could be different from the 95-97 LS, because the 95-97 did use the A340E, as did the SC, if I recall correctly, whereas the 90-94 used the A341E.
early i think round 90 92

best way to check is compare how many wires goto the solenoid plug

either 6 or 8 some later 1uzs have 10

speed sensors front and back of box are similar

only crowns have diff speed sensors

so its basically just the solenoids that will cause probs

end of day i have wired up miss matched boxes but the drivability is not 100%
so i always tell customer to buy correct parts
