1UZFE into 1966 Toyota Crown

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
One day 2 years ago, I was driving along and spotted a mint 1966 Crown Station wagon. One owner but blown head gasket. I bought it that day. Drove it home, swapped the motor over for a spare 4M and drove it around for a few months. Then I took for a drive to the country and a split hose ensured that the 4M died a horrible death and left me stranded in Violettown.

I vowed to rebuild her - stronger and more powerful with today's technology.

Here is the story of the Crown.

The fitment was easy enough but it is tight. There is about 15mm clearance each side of the exhaust manifolds to the chassis rails.
Also the RHS bank of cylinders wanted to be intimate with the steering box, so the steering box had to come out and a VN Commodore power steering rack has gone in its place. The rack is hanging off a custom fabricated crossmember made out of cold drawn seamless mild steel tube (as used in roll cages). Its height has been set to give the least amount of bumpsteer (approx 1mm at full bump).

Some transmission tunnel modification was also required so that the gearbox could sit high enough and deliver a correct pinion angle.

With a probable tripling of power I have converted the factory drum brakes to ventilated discs - 287mm at the front and 291mm at the rear. The diff has been replaced with a near unbreakable Hilux LSD with 3.9:1 gears.

I plan to run the original column shift and steel wheels (14" rather than the factory 13") with the factory hubcaps. I am hoping to maintain a reasonable sleeper look yet still run low 15's, maybe even a highish 14.

I would like to thank Kdog for his wiring diagrams - without these, wiring would be have been extremely difficult - and Grant (from Toymods and www.sixworks.com.au) with his input regarding the auto tranny speed sensors.
did you have to cut your steering arms?

unfortunately, my arms are on a bit more of an angle (as in, my rack sits a bit further back towards the gearbox) so i have to kind of make a running guesstimate at the geometry required. i laid it all out on the CAD system i have and i work out i have 1.5mm of toe in/out at full bump/rebound. i have over 110mm of travel though, so that's a fair bit of travel to get such a huge amount of toe.

here's my steering crossmember - the tube at the top is to stop it warping during welding.

Well she's up and running, drove it to the exhaust place with it running straight out the manifolds - glorious.
Twin 2.25" system with high flow cats, mid 90's dB. Changes gears beautifully, steers beautifully.

Hopefully I'll be down at the strip next weekend to see what she runs. Looking for a 14.

Thanks to all here, but in particular Kdog for those blessed wiring diagrams.
gianttomato said:
Well she's up and running, drove it to the exhaust place with it running straight out the manifolds - glorious.
Twin 2.25" system with high flow cats, mid 90's dB. Changes gears beautifully, steers beautifully.

Hopefully I'll be down at the strip next weekend to see what she runs. Looking for a 14.

Thanks to all here, but in particular Kdog for those blessed wiring diagrams.
would that be friday 28 jan at CALDER? considering running my car also might be a bit soon for me though, may watch but?
if you dont mind could you give a bit more detail on your exhaust sytem? possibly pics. i'm looking at a twin sytem sooner or later, the sytem i've got has no more cobwebs and is getting louder heres mine on post 32 http://lextreme.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2179&page=2&pp=20

CONGRATULATIONS also as it looks more of a challenge than a falcon conversion(someone else did mine anyway, damn. NOW to give it my personal touch and iron out bugs)
