1UZ Block Webbing

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
I'm thinking about buying a bare block from a guy but he had planned to put it in a hotrod and so has started to polish the block including removing some of the webbing on the block. Is there any reason why i shouldn't go near this. Will this weaken the block?? I don't see why toyota would put it there if it wasn't necessary. Any help?? Cheers Lee
depends how much material is removed Vs price for the engine????
if you don't want high output removing the ribs wont matter .
High output?? As i'm planning to supercharge the engine, what exactly is high output and how much can i get away with. Very good price is the reason for me to persist. Cheers Lee
i wouldn't touch it with a 6ft barge pole.

the ribs are there for a reason - engine harmonics can destroy a block in a matter of seconds. removing and/ or changing them pits your wits against a team of toyota engineers.

just coz "chev don't got em" doesn't mean they're not required.
Good call Pro.

If the price is right buy it and turn it into a coffee table. That's probably all it's good for.
I bought it for the rest of the engine and auxillaries already but will look into the webbing and the amount he's removed. I got it cheap enough for me not to be too worried if i need to find another block! Cheers for all the feedback and i'll get back to ya on the results! Lee
