1989 Crown Royal wiring?

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


Hiya all:

Yes, I know - very old engine/topic/etc. I have a complete Crown Royal saloon 1/2 cut. By that I mean it is (was) complete from the front bumper to where it was cut at about the front seat level. All harnesses, all dash instruments, and it all works fine. (Starts, runs, I can select gears and the output shaft turns etc).
Now I am fitting the engine and most of the parts to a hot rod.
I have partly dismantled the loom, removed plugs and associated wiring from stuff I wont need (ABS, airbag suspension, air bag and parts/controller, A/C, radio, TV, satnav etc etc. No problems so far, it's actually very straight forward. Each sub-loom seems to be fairly easily removed from it's controller, to it's switches/sensors and back to the repective fuse/relay box.
Just to be sure, I have labelled every cut wire, with what is was connected to, and where the cut end went. Lots of labels! But I could (if paid enough!) put it back and it would work.
Now my question:
Is there a wiring diagram available, FOR THE CROWN in case I come across an unknown wire/connector etc?
I have found module layout diagrams (very handy!) that show what controller went where, so I can figure out where any unknown connectors went and what they did, but I need to be able to guarantee a particular colour wire's function, or connector function.
I am a 40+ year computer guy (mainframes) so wiring is second nature.
But sometimes these Toyota guys can have a trick up their sleeves!
Also, anybody know the function if the connector strips that are hidden in the plastic loom housings? I THINK they are just a convenient way of connecting a lot of wires to one wire, but I'd like to be sure. (There is one that has a heap of what looks like jumpers, from one wire to a select group of others. Some sort of configurator perghaps?)
Thansk in advance.

The crown diagrams are a bit light on the ground. I had a customer that purchased some from toyota about 5-6 years ago when the sparkie he was using was having issues with the separate ECT. The little connector thingies are just that normally. Toyotas way of connecting several wires together.

I can scan and email pinouts for the ECU and ECT if you want.

Hey I could even drop them in on Saturday as I'm down your way.
If you have the ECU and ECT pinouts thats a good start. I have the engine loom to body harness plugs drawn up. We dont deal woth the rest of the car as we only get motor/box conversion sets to deal with and not half cuts most of the time. Some of these are in my own handwritting as they are my own personal notes I have been wiring up crown engines from. Ill have a check. Dont use the 131 crown ones as much these days. Flick me a email at [email protected] Cheers
Thanks guys!
Zuffen - more than welcome. You can have a glance at what I have done so far, and see a complete Crown wiring loom forensically dismembered! (and take the fan pump home?).
I really appreciate the offer, and a hearty "Yes Please!", but I do not want to impinge upon your good nature, at the risk of affecting your business. Your call.
But thanks either way.

Jeff. I do charge for wiring diagrams and have conditions upon the sale. I sell alot and help alot of guys around the world. Crown arent the most sort after these days so the price wont be too much. I have a loom sitting in my shed to check stuff on too. Im not too hard to find. Cheers

I have your phone number.

If my car passes I'll give you a call.

If it fails I'll probably top myself!
What is it, and what has it got to pass?
Can I guess?
Falcon, and it's got to pass a Commodore? (Better take option B...)

Good luck.

Jeff. I do charge for wiring diagrams and have conditions upon the sale. I sell alot and help alot of guys around the world. Crown arent the most sort after these days so the price wont be too much. I have a loom sitting in my shed to check stuff on too. Im not too hard to find. Cheers

Hi Gloverman,

You wouldn't happen to have an ECT for the UZS131 lying around, or know of one? I'm told that the only way I can get rid of codes 83,84,85 is to have this fitted, or do you know of any other method to overcome these codes?
I have just fitted a UZS131 ECU to my aeroplane as the LINK Lem5 was causing me grief, and part of the reason was to have the benefit of a ECL to warn if anything was faulty in the system. These codes coming up of course, make it impossible to have this benefit, so I have to get rid of them before I can fly it again.
Hello Gavin. The ECT from 131 are pretty rare. Most of the time wreakers didnt supply them with the conversion packages which was a pain. Nowadays if im working with a 131 engine/auto package I generally fit a later model loom and combined ECU/ECT. I know of one which is in a project so the guy will be using that one.

V5 where only average in the beginning. The later G4 have a fault warning system. The later stock ECUs can be setup without getting any codes and check lights. Some throw codes but these codes dont throw check lights. It can be tricky to get the correct one. Cheers
Thanks for your info. Gloverman,
I see there is a "wanted forum" on this site, so I think I'll try putting something on that.
You said in a previous post that you had wiring diagrams for the UZS131 to sell.
I have Kdogs wiring diagrams, but I am looking for any other info on that model.
I'd even like to buy a complete Workshop Manual if you have/know of one.
It can be in Japanese if that is all I can get as I do have friends that can translate it for me, As you can probably appreciate, when you have something in an aeroplane, you want to know EVERYTHING about it!
The Lem5 ran well for many years, but it was always a "hit and miss" affair.
I want a ECU that just looks after itself and adjusts itself to the conditions on the day. The Lem5 was originally set up on a car on a dyno, but the settings just didn't work out with the different loadings needed in the aeroplane.
I believe Links latest range are top of the line, but way out of my budget range.
Thanks, Gavin
Hi Gloverman,
I may have solved the problem of the 83,84,85 Codes (TCM Communication Problem). I was getting fault code 42 (Vehicle Speed Sensor signal) so I wired the ECO pin (SP1) to an injector as that gave a similar pulse. This got rid of the code 42, but now that I think of it, the 83,84,85 codes only came up when I shut the throttle rapidly. This to me points to the injector pulse being lost (to cut the fuel on deceleration) and so the ECU thinks that it has lost communication with the ECT all together for a short time, and picks that up and hence the codes.
As the SP1 circuit was working prior to this loss of signal, the ECU comes to the conclusion that the fault is the link between the TCM and doesn't bring up code 42 again. After all the SP1 signal is back again a spit second later. The fact that the SP1 signal was there one second, gone, and then back again would make the ECU think there is a fault in that link.
I'm not sure yet as I need to check the igniter rpm signal with the oscilloscope, but I'm hoping that this will work if I link in the ECO (SP1) wire to that.... unless you can think of a better sensor to wire it too?
Now thats making some sense. Ive never seen codes in the 80s with all the 1uz's ive wired. Only done a few (15-20)with the 131 crown ECU out of all the 1uz's ive wired(300-350).

Only a few 1uz ecus give the code 42 code. Some soarer and some of the later ECU in the 10 series it seems more common. Ive never had it on a 20 series or 20 VVti. Many of the Soarer ecus I have done have been auto so no issue there , many have been in vans so I have had a speed signal to feed in , again no issue , if customers complain about a speed cut then a switch solves that. Often I have a speed signal I can use as I wire into Toyota vehicles which have an output off the dash even with a cable speedo.

I had one conversion which just needed the speed sensor pluged in to give the ECU some resistance on the circuit.

Some we have fitted a speed sensor to the driveshaft either with factory 4 pulse/rev or 2 pulse to avoid speed cuts.

On some nissan engines in boats we had an issue with a high speed fuel cut as Nissan use a vehicle speed input for injector calculation. For them we made up a speed signal unit which has nothing at idle and then varies but never goes over 100km/h. We had to turn it off as the idle doesnt drop until the vehicle reaches 0km/h. This may be an issue you have too.

Never made one of these boxes for 1uz yet but have a plan for some for a couple of ideas I want to work with.

Using the tacho signal you really should monitor the speed via a scantool to check you dont get near the speed cut. With a plane you cant just pull over to the side of the road when theres a issue.

Early link with no barametric adjustment are bound to have issues in a plane.

Stock ECU could give issues with their tendancy to run very rich up in the higher revs and throttle openings. What sort of revs do you need to pull?
Just up to the Max HP rev of 5600 for take off and then throttle her back to a sweet rpm, which I've found as generally about 3400. I have an 'in-flight adjustable propeller' so I just work the revs to whatever pitch that seems fine on the day.
