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  1. S

    Haltech and A341e

    Haha doubt it will ever get to that
  2. S

    Haltech and A341e

    I borrowed some trade plates but returned them last thursday so will do a couple more jobs then pay the reg and try your settings. I'm running 3.7 with 295/50/15 tyres
  3. S

    Haltech and A341e

    Fairly sure that i have them all set lower than upshift but will check today. Do those settings kickdown ok?
  4. S

    Haltech and A341e

    Thanks mate. Just have to sort the kickdown a bit better but still driveable as is. Just doesn't kick down below 3rd unless nearly stopped so i'm sure its just the seetings i have to play with
  5. S

    Haltech and A341e

    I don't think i mentioned it on here but the problem started after i had a hiccup with the software while test driving originally. It was changing but not well so went back to the workshop to change a few settings in the map. Went for another drive and my software shut down and started up a...
  6. S

    Haltech and A341e

    All works fine with electronics removed. I think i have found the problem. Will post outcome after i test it today
  7. S

    Haltech and A341e

    Well ECU is all good according to Haltech. The power on grey and red is due to backfeeding through the relay coils on their relay box ( knew i should have built my own) as they have battery power at the coils all the time. Plugged everything in yesterday and still no reverse when electronics...
  8. S

    1UZFE idle too high.

    Have you pulled the stepper motor out and cleaned it? Could just be gummed up a bit
  9. S

    Haltech and A341e

    Yes i have checked all the possible things. Spent some time with a Haltech tech this morning as well but still no joy. Not too concerned with the voltage at the grey and red when switched off but still can't find why i have constant power as S1. Am sending the ecu to Haltech for testing just for...
  10. S

    Haltech and A341e

    I have 10v at DPO6 which should be earth switched when key is on. This is a haltech premium loom. Only place that can be coming from is the ecu
  11. S

    Haltech and A341e

    The grey and red wires are 12v+ from the ecu once ign is on. They feed anything that needs 12v with ign on
  12. S

    Haltech and A341e

    Also thanks for shareing the circuit diagram. I'm sure it will come in handy for other projects
  13. S

    Haltech and A341e

    PRNDL shows correct gear when shifted. Even if i unplug it i still have 12v at S1. Is the one you made tuneable in NSP or fixed shifts? I did look around for something to build but couldn't find anything suitable They were set to low originally but sorted that quite a while ago. I'm suspecting...
  14. S

    Haltech and A341e

    PRNDL shows correct gear when shifted. Even if i unplug it i still have 12v at S1. Is the one you made tuneable in NSP or fixed shifts? I did look around for something to build but couldn't find anything suitable
  15. S

    Haltech and A341e

    Yes i have it all selected properly and using NSP software. I think the problem is that i have power at S1 whether in P R N and D. As far as i have heard only supposed to be powered in drive. Are you using the PRNDL unit from haltech?
  16. S

    Haltech and A341e

    I used the DBW outputs for S1 and S2 operation. Also using Haltechs PRNDL controllers which was working ok until the other day when software had a bit of a meltdown. Will get onto Haltech tomorrow and see what they have to say
  17. S

    Haltech and A341e

    Thanks. Thats what i thought. Will have to search why it's happening
  18. S

    Haltech and A341e

    G'day all, Just trying to sort out my trans running a Haltech 2500 ecu. Having trouble with tuning the gear changes but that isn't the problem. problem i have is that i have no reverse. If i unplug the connector at the back of the trans for the solenoids reverse is fine. I have power at No1...
  19. S

    "Coil on plug" coils for 1UZFE

    I'm running Yarris coils on mine. Just need to take a bit off the outside diameter with sand paper to make them fit
  20. S

    What is the main kit, part or mod you need that isn't available?

    Well i don't know what happened to my last reply on here but here we go again. I did reply to your email so i don't know where that ended up. I would have to find out prices for casting again as i haven't made any for a while due to lack of interest.
