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  1. em_knaps

    34,22,16,28 ECU pin out needed

    i think this: is it...
  2. em_knaps

    34,22,16,28 ECU pin out needed

    Hey Samsdad. I am absent from social media so the forums are all I have. as the originator of the thread had, so have I A 89661-50160 pin config 34 22 16 28 this particular ECU comes with a fuel pump ECU if thats any help isolating its diagram. I will have a gander inside as this car has...
  3. em_knaps

    34,22,16,28 ECU pin out needed

    This ECU pinout would sure be useful to me right about now., is it still available samsdad? cheers..
  4. em_knaps

    NZ Meet?

    yea, it just needs to gain some popularity....
  5. em_knaps

    NZ Meet?

    I propose Saturday Jan 25th 2014. Location: undecided. how say you savages?
  6. em_knaps

    Engine Mount Flange CAD File

    If you can, then you should. this is what I think anyway. It took me a while to make something worth giving though.
  7. em_knaps

    Wanted WTB 1UZ auto trans (NZ)

    Hey folks, Im in auckland new zealand and am in need of a complete 1uz auto trans. folks outside NZ need not apply as the shipping would make things ridiculously expensive. I dont need the bellhousing but i do need the converter. prefer a minter but anything would be considered, looking at the...
  8. em_knaps

    Engine Mount Flange CAD File

    Hey folks, after downloading a cad file from this website that was instrumental in my twin turbo lexus conversion i thought id upload one that i made to assist my next twin turbo lexus conversion. It is a .dxf cad file of the engine mounting plate that would bolt to your engine and then have...
  9. em_knaps

    Header Flange Drawings available for download!

    Oh, flanges are made from 1/2 inch mild steel. I used these same flanges on my supra with 4 into 1 steam pipe manifolds and T3/T4 turbo"s with 38mm waste-gates and i have had no leaks with these flanges, I reused the 18yo MLS gaskets that my engine came with. 2 years and 2000ks that my supra...
  10. em_knaps

    NZ Meet?

    It is little wonder that people who have to learn english find it so difficult... so many words, that sound the same and written so similar with completely different meanings
  11. em_knaps

    NZ Meet?

    its early days yet...... patience grasshopper..... where is your stamina?
  12. em_knaps

    NZ Meet?

    yea, yea...... what color you painting it?
  13. em_knaps

    NZ Meet?

    well if we sit here and natter between ourselves its bound to attract attention.... so... hows that weather???
  14. em_knaps

    NZ Meet?

    COUGH COUGH (blows out the cobwebs of this thread) yea, I'm keen.
  15. em_knaps

    Header Flange Drawings available for download!

    Hey folks, whilst getting some more flanges made for a project I stumbled across a multiple's of 10 discount. So I have 3 sets of laser cut flanges for sale. total cost was $320 NZD for 10 units. So each pair owes me exactly $64 NZD I will sell them only to lextreme members and probably...
  16. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    My priorities for this build were exhaust flow and exhaust flow. the original PS pump was in the way so it got removed, Have a look in earlier posts and you'll see what I did for a PS pump.
  17. em_knaps

    fabbing 1uz turbo manifold questions

    for those who like compressor maps: for those who don't know what one is or cant read one i suggest more research on how to read them is in order... they are quite important should you want a perfect matched engine/turbo combination.
  18. em_knaps

    fabbing 1uz turbo manifold questions

    2 RB25 turbo's id say would be perfect, from memory they are ceramic, which means they are light and will spool fast. but dont tolerate high boost or heat abuse, be sure to plumb the water cooling to those turbo's. do some research on this as when you switch the engine off the cooling needs to...
  19. em_knaps

    fabbing 1uz turbo manifold questions

    LPT (low pressure turbo) systems are very popular in europe, Saab, PSA Volvo etc.. Generally the engine retains a high compression ratio that a similar NA engine would have, the turbo's are small, and the boost is low ~5psi. this beafs up and flattens the torque curve which is available...
  20. em_knaps

    fabbing 1uz turbo manifold questions

    7MGTE's have CT26's two of those would work, parhaps a little bit laggy, but they would work
