Search results

  1. H

    Loss of Crank signal

    5 or so weeks ago I removed the radiator and thermostat for coolant change and decided to get a new radiator made. Since that time the car has just sat but over the weekend the new radiator arrived and I re-installed everything. Happy with my work I thought I'd go for a drive to check for...
  2. H

    Heater either hot or cold

    In the process of getting the car ready for winter use and after a couple of years of putting up with this issue I think its time to sort it out once and for all. The vehicle is a 1979 Volvo which originally had some sort of thermostaticly controlled heater valve. This failed years ago and so...
  3. H

    Oil Pressures/Filters/Oils

    Been investigating the engine oil and its pressure Vs temps. Until today, I have the standard small oil filter (Ryco Z418) and 10w30 oil. The main issue was the idling pressure that would sit around 16PSI when the water temp was 90+Cdeg. When cruising at around 2600rpm, pressure was 67psi...
  4. H

    Operating temps

    Since getting my a/c gassed back up, I've been playing around with the radiator in my conversion as it seemed the motors temps were a little high with the a/c running but as I do not have any reference data to go on I could be over exaggerating the possible problem. Without the condenser in...
  5. H

    A/C compressor leak

    I've been getting the a/c working in my 1uzfe conversion and after getting everything installed and gassed, I've discovered the compressor is leaking around the clutch in front of the belt pulley. Very annoying having green dye sprayed around the engine bay. So, is there a rebuild kit for the...
  6. H

    Looking inside a 1UZ ecu

    Found this site last night which I thought I'd share. A couple of things on page 6 I found interesting was the codes for rev limit, injector dead time and base timing map. Whilst the timing map is hard to interpret, the injector dead time is fairly clear, however the figures seem low...
  7. H

    What is suitable AFR range

    Been playing around with the tune, when time permits, and am using fairly safe AFR's (14.5 idle, 12.7 rich, 15.0 cruise). Just wondering whether to leave these as they are or spread them around a bit. I've read of people going down to 13.5@idle and up to 15.7@cruise.
  8. H

    Failed CoP

    Been chasing a miss under power and have discovered a CoP unit has failed. Whilst the unit makes all the right noise when in test mode using the MS3, there's nothing going to the spark plug. I've placed a wanted ad for a replacement but I'm interested in the failure and where the fault is...
  9. H

    Wanted CoP 90919-02230

    Just discovered I have one that failed. Need one but would consider 2 or 3. Cheers
  10. H

    Injector pulse width

    Been playing around with MS3X on a standard 1996 1UZ with standard 251cc injectors. After lots of searching, does anyone have an accurate injector dead time or pulse width figure. I'm currently using 0.9ms and the standard MS3 dead time voltage% curve table.
  11. H

    Standalone ECU IACV operation with MS3

    Since getting the MS3 with MS3X installed and running, I've been logging whats happening when driving and I've noticed that the IAC remains open during normal day to day driving. On Sunday I recorded a loss of sync moment and the valve position immediately went from 64 to 2 (shut). It stayed...
  12. H

    Alternator output

    I've finished an MS3 instal and whilst driving I'm watching the dash and ecu gauges extra carefully to make sure everything is operating safely. One thing I've noticed is the voltage output of the alternator will start at 14.2v just after the first start of the day, and as I drive the voltage...
  13. H

    Standalone ECU Megasquirt adjustment issues

    With the help of ugp (Ben) I've been attempting to get a base tune for my 1UZ but I'm having issues with the cam and crank loosing sync. This has been a stop/start project due to work/life issues and with Ben in the UK and me in Melbourne,Austraila, time differences are an issue. Anyway, I...
  14. H

    MS3 Map - Sequential & CoP

    Well after 2 years of stuffing around, I've finally gotten around to installing my MS3X wired motor back into the car. When I bought a pre-assembled unit with looms, the motor was out of the car so I re-wired it for the MS3. I have gone CoP and sequential whilst using the 1UZ sensors for...
  15. H

    Standalone ECU MS3X, CoP, Sequential, No boost

    Well after 15 months of ownership, I've finally gotten around to installing my MS3X onto the motor. I cheated and bought a pre-assembled unit with looms and because the motor is out of the car its a lot easier to re-wire. I have gone CoP and sequential whilst using the 1UZ sensors for crank...
  16. H

    MS3 and knock sensors

    I'm part way thru sorting all the wires and plugs for my MS3 V3 with MS3X expansion board and was wondering about the 2 knock sensors in the valley of the 1995 1UZ motor. Are these used/connected to the MS3 or does the newly released knock sensor module have to be bought to handle this? This...
  17. H

    Air feed for ISCV

    Please don't look at this as a stupid question, but on a standard motor, the air supply for the ISCV comes from the inlet to the throttle body, with the air being drawn in by the vaccum being created by the opening of the valve. Correct, or am I missing something? Would the valve still work...
  18. H

    Where to buy aluminium tube for intake

    As the heading suggests, I'm after somewhere in Melbourne that I can buy lengths and bends of 3" aluminium tubing to re-route the air intake out of the engine bay. Is this a speciality item or any aluminium supplier can help.
  19. H

    Exhaust flange stud removal

    I'm making a set of headers and would like to remove one or two of the flange studs from the head, hopefully without damaging or breaking them. Is there an easy way to do this? The end appears to be like a 'torx' fitting but is there an available socket to suit it? Are they a left or right hand...
  20. H

    Rear mount turbo question

    Well my original thought was to move everything around in the engine bay to make space for a single turbo and as I was going to be making the headers to suit I figured this would be the easiest avenue. BUT, the other day, as I removed the centre muffler to improve the exhaust acoustics and I...
