Search results

  1. S

    hey zuffen I hear I got reamed by kills kustoms

    hey zuffen I hear u got a loom made by killa kustoms and u r having problems that's what u get for going for cheapest price and what that means no help support after u buy it and problems with things not working seen this many times from him I might be a prick in here but at least my shit...
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    what a real 1uz sounds like

    so too all the kcufwits dont worry im not coming back im just posting this so a select few migth enjoy what a real 1uz sounds like hehehe
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    im outa here

    well guys due to recent events im outa here sorry but pms will be turned off not that i looked at them anyway ive stopped selling parts and will only provide parts when i do the engine loom and just sold last oil filter this week and no more i guess i finially got sick of all the shit...
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    whats this world coming to

    well im stopping to some new lows wiring up afew reverse cameras tomorrow should be nice and easy as one car is a hilux motorhome heheheheheheh
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    fk theres some hopeless people around

    so glad to have proper internet after 4 weeks and ive just been browsing for some small info on some other forums wont mention where there is about 5 or more instances where one member has asked for diagrams and each post is for a different car/engine aftermarket ecu wire up as he is a...
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    1st night in sunny south east qld

    well just picked up keys to new rental place in se qld got stuff from old house arriving this fri so will be back to working on mail order looms on the weekend got 4 to do from 2 weeks ago then ill drive around saying hi to some new shops this will give my arms a rest and hopefully by...
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    2 weeks left in sydney

    well we now have a place to rent in south of brissy so goodbye sydney by end of this month we will be in our new place going to visit friend next week to get him to print me new busniess cards and some leaflets and then will look thru magazines and yellow pages to see where the good shops...
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    Me moody. Never hehe

    Some ******* on toymods said I'm moody these days No way maybe a wanker but not moody Lucky I add 200 bucks to the bill when the customer mentions Toymods Maybe he can come and answer my phone for afew days And then he will understand y I'm like that hahahahahahaha Cnts on alot of forums make...
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    house didnt sell

    well with a week or so left on real estate contral and hardly anyone thru we had an offer on house but wasnt enough so my wife and i had a chat and she said how bad do u want to leave sydney hehehe and i said lets take the offer so we signed our lives away anyway 6 hours later real estate...
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    might look at getting a normal job

    my wife is already looking at finding me a job to work for someone instead of doing this crap so i dont have to pay rent and not spend all day on the phone im going to get another phone next week so i can turn my work phone off after hours she is going back to work since our house didnt sell...
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    Seller Feedback castle auto elects

    i fking hate bagging other businesses out but we have had enough of castle auto electrics they sold an ls2 wiring kit to someone and it doesnt work right so they rang castle autos and they had no fking idea on how to fix it thats 10 to 15 fukups from them where customer has come to us for...
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    getting sick of work

    getting fking sick of people who do wiring and stuff emailing me and ringing me for info no wonder im moving and restarting from scratch again and no wonder when nice people ring me up and think im a prick all those other wankers fking pissing me off just had email today someone asking for...
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    Parts selling kdogs tiptronic kits

    hey all since im moving i decided to sell some stuff i have 2 x kdogs tip tronic kits which he used to make afew years ago for the 4 speed autos email me with an offer and if i reply then u might be the lucky winner i prob wont get what i paid for them but if any offer is close ill see...
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    finally we r moving

    well we have decided to move up north near QLD to warmer prospects somewhere close to the beach I will still be doing mail order stuff and slowly build a name for myself in new town so I will get back to doing mobile auto electrical as lately I found it hard to keep up with rent and bills as...
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    soarer specialist in botany

    hey does anyoen know the soarer specialist in botany so i can palm some ignorant customers his way sick of them ringing and wanting things fixed yesterday
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    a761e 6 spd auto

    anyone have any experience with these boxes ive just been asked to look at getting one working in an sc400 looks like its a major job as i cant find an aftermarket ecu that can do it yet ive seen the negasquirt can do the 8 spd but im still having 2nd thoughts towards megasquirt ecus but i...
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    Wanted soarer 1uz ecu

    hey guys just finished a 1uz for customer and ecu is stuffed so im just posting for the customer he is after an sc400 about 91 to 94 engine ecu has big chunky plug with bolt in the centre and yellow covers over pins and 2nd plug half the size of the first i have his number to give if...
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    Wanted looking for crown ecu and air flow

    hey all im looking for a crown uz131 engine ecu and air flow meter for a customers job they bought engine with just a harness so now im deciding whether to chase up ecu and air flow ive already got a set of ignitors or for abit mroe just throw a microtech on it i could sell him my...
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    1uz sump on 3uz ???

    hi friend of mine wants to know if a 1uz sump will fit on a 3uz he has registered with and its been over a month and he still cannot post his log on name is "axis of evil" and his email adress is [email protected] so if anyone can answer his questiion that would...
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    hotmail issues

    hey just a reminder to anyone sending us emails alot of emails i have been getting and try to reply from get returned saying it cant find recipient just wondering if anyone has seen this problem mainly with hotmail and yahoo
