Search results

  1. T

    Engine refuses to Rev.

    Following my recent problem with the Lexus V8 in Cobra number 1 ( rectification not yet attempted as Car is 1.5 hours away), I now have a serious problem with the Lexus Engine in Cobra number 2. The car starts great and idles just a little roughly. However when you try to increase the...
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    Fast Idle but dying when driving

    Hi Guys, About 8 years ago I built a couple of AC Cobra replicas with a 1990 and 93 1uzfe in them with lots of help from this forum, and would you believe that one of them is now giving us some trouble. We awoke it from its winters hibernation last week and it ran fine but yesterday it...
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    ECU Problem

    Hi Guys, After over 10,000 trouble free miles in a Cobra replica we seem to have a problem with the master relay signal from the ECU. It is fluctuating between 3 and 12 volts which means that sometimes the relays driven by this signal work and sometimes they dont. Is this a common sign...
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    Fuel Regulator Vacuum Switching Valve needed or not?

    After almost 4 years, two house moves, one house and garden rebuild, a change of job and multitudes of lifes hiccups I finally have my part built Lexus powered Cobra back in my garage, in my house, next to my beer fridge, and I can work on it again. The donor of the engine was a June 1990...
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    LS 400 Towing Bracket

    Guys, I'm looking to fit a towing bracket to my "snotter" LS400. The car is a 1994 and I have been offered a secondhand but unused/ unfitted towing bracket and electrics for a 1995 model. Does anyone know if there any differences between a 1994 and 1995 LS400 that would stop me being able...
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    The Lexibug

    Guys, Just saw this thread detailing a scratch built special using VW body, self built chassis and Lexus LS400 engine, box, and anything else he can fit in.. This guy certainly has some awesome car building skills...
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    MAF Repairable or a bin job.....

    Guys, Playing with the Lexus engined Cobra No 1 yesterday and it was finding it difficult to hold an idle, I was even forced to increase the idle speed via the throttle stop stop screw. I then remembered the advice given on the forum re rough running. ie disconnect the MAF sensor and if it...
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    How to access a LS 400 ECU

    Guys, Persuant to a seperate thread in the gearbox section where I am seeking the definitive answer to which pin the feed from brake light switch goes into the ECU on a 93 LS400 to enable the gearbox to do its thing, I have now thought of another cunning plan. I am joint owner of a "snotter"...
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    Brake Switch / Lockup wiring

    Guys, Just putting the finishing touches to the first Cobra ready for the govt inspection in a couple of weeks and thought that I'd get it moving under its own steam. Its got a 93 LS400 standard engine and auto box ( with an ECU configured with 34/28/22/16 plugs) and some time ago following...
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    Resetting Brake Pad Wear warning light

    Guys, I have a 94 LS400 and despite having new pads and discs ( rotors) fitted front and rear, the brake pad wear warning light is continously illuminated. I can't find any wear sensors in the pads themselves, therefore I am assuming that the warning light is triggered, by a sensor in the...
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    Power supply for Rear Fog and Interior Cabin Light

    Hi Guys, I'm preparing the bargain LS400 barge I bought last year for its annual inspection and I have to get the rear fog lights operational. The fog light switch on the dashboard works and the relay in the boot ( located behind the tool tray) clicks healthily, so the switch is powered ok...
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    Overdrive Wiring for standard Lexus Auto Gearbox

    Guys, Just got one last wire to connect before sending the first 1UZFE powered Lexus Cobra in the UK to the trimmers. I need to finalise which wire I send 12v down into the ECU to switch overdrive on and off. I have a four connector ECU and loom with 28/16/22/34 pin from a 1993 LS400...
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    Oil Pressure Switch Thread Specs.

    Guys, Can anyone tell me the thread sizes on the Oil pressure switch that screws into the block as I'm looking for an adapter that will screw into the block that will accept both the original oil pressure switch and a new sender for an oil pressure gauge that uses a 1/8 x27 NPT thread. The...
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    T'was the weekend before Xmas

    Like most of you guys I'm always on the lookout for cheap 1UZfe engines to keep as "spares". As I intend putting some boost into the engine in my Cobra a spare engine will be needed in the future either to build up into a low compression/ high boost combo or just to replace the existing engine...
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    temperature Sender info required

    Hi guys, Now that the Lexus V8 is running happily in the Cobra I'm just connecting up the last few wires before we start trimming the interior. I've spent many a good hour poring over the wiring diagrams, done a search on this site, crawled all over the engine but I still cant see how I...
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    EGR Effect on Emissions

    Guys, According to the govt bible on the Single Vehicle Approval test here in the UK I do not have to use catalytic converters on the LS400 engines I'm putting into my Cobra projects. However I do have to get the engines below the following emissions levels CO 3.5% and HC 1200ppm...
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    Sub O2 sensors are they needed ?

    Hi Guys, Done a search but nothing has come up. Just in middle of wiring up the first of the LS400's , waiting for a hose so should have it running next weekend. Because the engines are pre 1995 we can run here (UK) without cats, and therefore there is an opportunity to ditch the second...
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    Wiring Diagrams for LS400 Engine swaps

    Guys, As some of you may know I'm building two Cobra replicas with LS400's providing engines and gearboxes. Having equipped myself with the excellent wiring diagrams available through this site and buoyed up by the sage advice and encouragement of Lextreme members I went forth into the...
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    EGR Tube replacement or not ?

    Guys I'm just finishing refreshing the two LS400 engines I'm putting into the Cobras and one of them has the usual crack in the bellows section of the EGR tube. I've done a search on the forum and basically there are two schools of thought, replace the tube as per normal ( I'll probably...
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    Gasket Sealant

    Just started stripping down the two LS 400 engines so we can replace cam belts and water pumps before we install said engines into the two Cobra's and we have come up against a simple problem. From new, the water pump has a black plastic/ silicone gasket both to the engine block and to the...
