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  1. autronic

    CAD drawing for intake manifold flange

    I'm finally done with my finals.... Ok, about the intake for the Hayabusa ITB's. I had a look at it earlier today and there is a major issue, the Hayabusa ITB's are to tall. Let me explain. The Hayabusa ITB's are tall, this + the intake adds up to interference between the two banks of ITB's...
  2. autronic

    Wanted WTB: 1UZFE "U2" auto bell housing

    4U2QUIK: Thanks, but I'm after a U2 bell housing for a special application and the adapter plate for it I'll do myself.
  3. autronic

    Wanted WTB: 1UZFE "U2" auto bell housing

    As the title says, I'm interested in a "U2" auto bell housing, the one that have the engine tilted about 7 degrees vs. the auto box. Anyone ? - Trond
  4. autronic

    CAD drawing for intake manifold flange

    Guys, sorry for not replying, but I'm busy with finals until June 5th.
  5. autronic

    Parts Ross pistons, Argo rods, Cometic + ARP

    ash: The Ross pistons are 83.00 mm bore ( + 0.50 mm over stock ) and the pin diameter is 22.00 mm. The Argo connecting rods have the same dimension as a stock rod, hence "stock replacement fit". cribbj: Yup, the MOT won the first round but not the match, 'cause "I've got a cunning plan" :cool:
  6. autronic

    Parts Ross pistons, Argo rods, Cometic + ARP

    I'm selling all my 1UZFE performance parts. There is a couple of reasons for doing this, first I'm tired of fighting the Norwegian MOT to get my car road worthy. The second is, I'm going back to school ( Uni ) on the 16th and time to play will be restricted by this. The parts are meant for the...
  7. autronic

    1UZFE into Ford Sierra XR4x4

    And the final one for now. If you squint your eyes, you can see that the exhaust out from the turbo will go thru the crossmember. Since the turbo sits so low I will have to use a pump to return the oil to the sump.
  8. autronic

    1UZFE into Ford Sierra XR4x4

    One more pic showing the placement.
  9. autronic

    1UZFE into Ford Sierra XR4x4

    A status update. I mentioned in an earlier post, that the Norwegian MOT would accept a test from an independent source like TÜV or DEKRA, not so. I managed to open a channel into a DEKRA branch 60 km outside Berlin, and had settled the specs I would have to build the car to in order to get it...
  10. autronic

    Lexus v8 in Sierra

    Hi marnusn, welcome to the forum. About your questions: 1. The Type 9 gearbox will fit to the 1UZFE auto bell housing with an adapter plate. I have a drawing of this, send me your e-mail address as an pm and I'll send you the drawing. The problem with the Type 9 gearbox is the strength ( or...
  11. autronic

    Custom 1UZFE Flywheel in the U.S.

    4U2QUIK / cribbj: For clutch parts, both stock and custom, talk to South Bend Clutch.
  12. autronic

    Lexus v8 in Sierra

    Welcome Barry. I have done a lot of work on a 1UZFE conversion into a Ford Sierra XR4x4 and the conversion is possible both in RWD and 4WD form, of course it's easier as RWD. From what I know of Ford Sierras in South Africa I presume it will be RWD. You will have to make your engine mounts...
  13. autronic

    1UZFE Flywheel

    cribbj: A clutch for the Supra 6 speed gearbox is easy, first decide what clutch cover you want to use and then get a clutch plate made with the correct splines, South Bend clutch is excellent when it comes to this. kollide What gearbox do you plan to use ? Will it be a street car only /...
  14. autronic

    1UZFE into Ford Sierra XR4x4

    To you other guys doing xUZFE in Sierra's/Mercur's: The engine bay is wide so getting the engine in is not a big problem, the main problem is the sump. I have never seen a rear sump "live" but from pictures I doubt you can use it, so you have to run a custom one. Engine mounts is not a...
  15. autronic

    1UZFE into Ford Sierra XR4x4

    A bit of grave digging ( sigh, old tread... ) zrx-fighter, merkur, xr4man and cthommes, please enable your private message functions... Anyway, back to the fun and games with the Ford Sierra. Basically, the 1UZFE bit of the project is dead. After fighting with bureaucracy and getting...
  16. autronic

    bolt size question

    There is 6 of the bolts and they are 50 mm long. I'd recommend order the bolts from Toyota as the original bolts have a 17 mm head and have integrated washers. The Toyota number is: 91619-61250
  17. autronic

    1UZFE Sump Flange AutoCAD drawing files

    Right, as I have had a few requests for this file, I'll just upload it here to make it easier for everybody. The drawing is in AutoCAD 2000 format.
  18. autronic

    OBX ITB's now for sale

    For me it looks like Toyota 4AG 20v throttle bodies on a copied intake.
  19. autronic

    1UZFE Sump Flange AutoCAD drawing files

    I have a drawing of the flange, PM me your e-mail address.
  20. autronic

    Finally Flywheel info

    tom steele: Be careful with your choice of 10.5" pressure plate as the outside diameter of the 1UZFE ring gear is 305 mm and the inside of the bell housing is not that much bigger. From this PDF file I found at the Centerforce web page it looks like the Mustang 1986 -> 10.4"/10.5" pressure...
