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  1. L

    1UZ FE runs & die. Video

    Running it like that with the pipe to the iscv open to the atmosphere will cause all sorts of running/idle issues... Been there learnt the hard way Haha
  2. L

    Throttle body extension

    No sorry I dont have a build thread... I have more photos though if your interested... My conversion is in a Toyota Hiace super custom van, there are quite a few of them floating around NZ now... but i do love it.... I've probably put 30'000 km's on my van with my intake set up and never had a...
  3. L

    Throttle body extension

    see my set up... no response issues at all :)
  4. L

    Odd issue :(

    might have to but some christmas cash in ya pocket if the timing works :) thanks for the info... made it to picton without missing a beat...... so fingers crossed till you can hook me up HAHA
  5. L

    Odd issue :(

    So am doing the long haul from chch to Auckland and back and was wondering if running the ecu which throws the trans oil temp code will be okay... what does it actually do running wise while it has this code? I bought the old ecu with me and may drop of to you Kelvin if your going to be around...
  6. L

    Auto box wiring

    argh... thats not what i want to hear Kelvin Haha.... I know one way to fix includes 5 gears and a different gear stick.... do you do a full manual conversion kit Kelvin? want to pm me a price if you do? cheers
  7. L

    Auto box wiring

    its hard to explain on here... but if your just cruising along in OD at 60 kp/h and turn into a street when you finish turning it still in OD... unless you stand on the gas (say 50% throttle) it doesnt change down it just labours like hell.... to me i would think that the ecu would know the...
  8. L

    Auto box wiring

    I probably didnt explain very well sorry... what i was trying to say is that if you go into the corner in D or OD (doesnt matter what one) if you slow down by 30-40 kp/h it will still be in the gear you entered the corner in... unless you really jump on the gas then it will change down... its...
  9. L

    1uzfe Was running, now just cranks & doesn't fire.

    just fyi... my ecu had no visible signs of leaking caps etc it just plain shit itself... and like i said it was firing random sparks to random plugs in no order and effectively putting the timing out...
  10. L

    1uzfe Was running, now just cranks & doesn't fire.

    When my ecu was stuffed it would fire at completly random times causing back fires through the inlet and exhaust... still betting its the ecu.... you can open them and look for leaking capacitors and burn marks on the wiring etc
  11. L

    1uzfe Was running, now just cranks & doesn't fire.

    when my conversion did the same thing it turned out to be the std ecu after chasing and checking a million things changed the ecu and started off half a crank.... id try borrow or get your hands on another ecu....
  12. L

    Auto box wiring

    so followed diagrams and put a micro switch under the gas pedal which is now making it kick down to 1st gear under 45kph... (i think the speed sensor is telling the ecu its going faster than it actually is) i gave the ecu a 12v feed from the brake pedal and a 12v feed from the ect power switch...
  13. L

    Auto box wiring

    c'mon..... you know ya wanna help :)
  14. L

    Auto box wiring

    Hey guys, running a early 1uz in a hiace van with the 1uz auto behind it... its been on the road for around two years but have finally decided to try make the box shift as if it should... after some searching it seems like i need to wire in a kick down switch, look at my power feed from the...
  15. L

    Odd issue :(

    looks like im sending up my old ecu HAHA you were right on the money after a bit of driving today the OD light started flashing at me... pulled a code of 38 i think whatever that is.... you want to pm me what sort of cost im looking at for test/repair on the old unit? cheers Adam
  16. L

    Another 3uz Hilux

    love the factory look on a conversion.... looks awesome Kelvin
  17. L

    Odd issue :(

    I haven't had a chance to road test it yet... but yeah I'm running the auto... if it does throw a code what would be your recommendation? Can a put a resistor in to trick the ecu? Or are you able to test/repair the old one? Thanks for your help kelvin
  18. L

    Odd issue :(

    well i took the risk and turned the key.... and.... you beauty!!! she's alive and happy again... would still like to know the difference in ecu's though if anyone can shed some light... i also pulled the old ecu apart expecting to see leaking caps ect but it looks fine......
  19. L

    Odd issue :(

    Thanks Kelvin... I've found another 40 40 40 ecu but its a slightly bigger unit... is it okay to run the bigger ecu?
  20. L

    Odd issue :(

    Odd issue :( (solved) Hey guys, Have been running my 1uz conversion for about 2 years now... drove it to my brothers all was fine went to pick it up a few days later and it wouldnt start well not properly anyway... it would keep turning over for ages and only stay running on the starter...
