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  1. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    Track Day results. Brakes are in need of attention, and the odd oil leak otherwise it circled time and time again without issue. although the surge tank was quite warm after10 laps or so. might need a cooler in the return line i think. a little less...
  2. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    I think an update is in order here, delicious TORSEN LSD. man do these things work well. i have traction in ALL gears including 1st although the engine doesn't load up that well in 1st. this is on a warm day on sticky Tarseal of course. and in a straight line. surge tank mounted but...
  3. em_knaps

    AWD Supra

    Im absolutely convinced they could have found a larger turbo. that one is TINY!!! not allot of the original subframe's left in there. madness.
  4. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    HAHA, The tyre in question was bald with shadow tread. very near to being a messy steel belt flapper though. it was a situation bought on by one tyre having a slow leak so always had more traction that the other, subsequently the tyre with the correct pressure was the one to spin wildy. and of...
  5. em_knaps

    Standalone ECU attn all megasquirt users - what crank pickup did you use ?

    Hey just as a sideline, i have a running 1UZ with the ground off tooth as you mentioned no mods to the MS other than tuning in the two pots on the board. ive had no rpm problems at all once i found hte correct polarity of the sensor..
  6. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    Hey Red, here is the wiring diagram i used to wire up my coils: use the top left diagram let me know if you find it hard to read and ill photoshop it for you and repost. i guess theres no advantage over any other wasted spark setup advantage over the standard dizzy of course is that you no...
  7. em_knaps

    Project Thread my collection of old toyota's

    Here's my oldish toyota, 1980 MA55 Celica (Supra Mk1) A pic just after i bought it 12 years ago: And another 9 years later when just before i sold it: Had been converted in 1989 to Small Block chev 1st a 327 and then a 283 when i sold it. had so many good memorys in that car...
  8. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    Time for an update, Car is running. loss of traction and JZA80 wheel hop is apparent. standard non LSD diff is most annoying. a few pics of some intercooler plumbing. the RHS pipe from the turbo to the collector is the only thing i dont like. the...
  9. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    for long drives, get a diesel corolla...... Ditch the air con, open a window man! My whole concern with this build was pretty much exhaust flow, everything got moved or removed to ensure nice flow and minimal restriction. perhaps i could have done things easier, and perhaps torque figures...
  10. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    At this point i would say no. far too labour intensive. but i would do things slightly different if i were to make a pair again, more strut tower clearance would be on the list for sure. also im not sure a reverse mount alternator and a very snug mounted PS pump is everyones idea of fun. If...
  11. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    Hey Steve, Fred is correct but to elaborate, I ground a tooth off the crank sensor and use 2 wasted spark coils and ignitors from a subaru. I had used these coils on a previous megasquirt conversion and found them easy to use (turbocharged Aircooled Citroen) the distributors have been...
  12. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    update...... exhaust all came out to be wraped and rocker covers came off to be painted and new gaskets to be installed....and a new cambelt as the old one suffered when i de-greased the engine.. all back togeather... Drove it to work which is about 10 mins from home on open headers...
  13. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    I not sure about a catch can... when its fuming at its most it will be under boost so the pcv valve wont be open. as for the breather in the RHS i may direct that into the exhuast. Drove it today, Clutch is quite civil to use and the engine has enough power just off idle to get the car...
  14. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    Update...... Manifold top half on: Modified T56 shifter.... Fucked up drive shaft measurment caused the modified drive shaft to be a lil short..... FPR, very nice holley unit, works well and holds residual line pressure unlike some aftermarket FPR's: fuel system coming togeather...
  15. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    UPDATE: gearbox is in, clutch is bled and pedal stop adjusted. (its like standing on a marshmellow, very soft but not without feel) drive shaft is off being shortened and having its end changed to suit the T56. fuel lines are starting to take shape, need to find a nice Y block to split the feed...
  16. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    Hey Gasman the flexi pipe is 1.5 inch ID i got mine from a place in dorkland city called Woolf Mufflers $76 a meter there is a place called south dorkland called Chase, they also sell it but i dont know what the price is. its made from 2 very thin layers of stainless and is a real bitch to...
  17. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    progress report... after much farnarkling around with the bellhousing to get its from .015 runout to 002" runout...... the engine went back in, am slowing reassembling all the exhuast work, will trial run the engine to heat cycle the headers and stuff with turbine housings only (NA) will also...
  18. em_knaps

    08 Bathurst V8's down under...

    IMO the best bathurst days have gone. these cars they race now have more in common with each other (holden/ford) than they do with the cars available to the public, i see niether on the roads here with live rear axles..... to give one example. Good for a watch tho, it is pretty much formula...
  19. em_knaps

    T56 Vs. V160

    I had to clearance the holes in the sump so that the sump was not proud of the rest of the bellhousing mounting face. dowels were indeed in the block. My box is the LS1 box from a 2004 GM Holden Commodore R8 (commonwhore) It has one of the lowest torque ratings of all the boxes at 350ftlbs...
  20. em_knaps

    T56 Vs. V160

    also depends on how true the 1uz bellhousing is, mine was 15thou out, partly because the sump had been dowled incorrectly, after repositioning the bellhousigng dowls i managed to get 2thou run out but the bellhousing is quite flexible so care needs to be taken. I guess you would also need to...
