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  1. em_knaps

    fabbing 1uz turbo manifold questions

    id say the ct20's from a 3L supra would be diferent to the c20's from a 2.4 diesel.. just like the T25's from the SR20, VG30 and CA18 are all different. I have a T25 from a VG30TT on my air cooled 1300cc citroen, its boost threshold is around 3500rpm perhaps closer to 4000rpm but that's ok cos...
  2. em_knaps

    fabbing 1uz turbo manifold questions

    CT20 turbo's are a lil bit yukky, but I see no reason for them not to work. from memory they are found on 2.4L turbo diesels. you will get boost early and also it will run out of airflow early too. you can only but try them and see what happens. It will work, it has no choice, but you may...
  3. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    there is such a thing called pseudo wasted spark. you have COP but you fire them in pairs if you have a shortage of ignition outputs. I could do that with mine if i found some COP's cheap enough. it would just be a bit of extra wiring and maybe some ignitors. the ecu outputs would not need to...
  4. em_knaps

    fabbing 1uz turbo manifold questions

    If you look at a factory set of manifolds, you will see that from factory this is done. the two centre ports have holes the right size for the stud. the further away from the centre the studs are the larger the holes get. replicate this one your manifold flanges and things will be ok, it is to...
  5. em_knaps

    newbie need a little info on swap

    the 90's cruiser box should be a R15* series box. of which there are bellhousings and adapter plates galore for. just one example.
  6. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    Im not using the subaru edis, im not even sure subaru have edis. On the supra i am using two coil packs and two ignitor's from a subaru and running a wasted spark setup, triggerd by the megasquirt which gets its signal from the 12-1T crank angle sensor wheel. The landcruiser has the stock...
  7. em_knaps

    fabbing 1uz turbo manifold questions

    injectors that i have found that fit and have used are:] S5 RX7 (550cc) toyota type plug mitsi 4G63 (450cc) bosch style plug Mitsi 4G93 1800 turbo? (380cc) bosch style plug i think plenty of other denso top feed injectors fit so just follow your nose nissan top feed are slightly smaller in o...
  8. em_knaps

    fabbing 1uz turbo manifold questions

    I recently helped a friend twin turbo a 1UZ in a holden commodore racecar, the manifold were UGLY.. and i mean ugly. but, that said it still made good power. two VF8 subaru turbo's were used which i think are a good match and are clockable. see here for flange cad file...
  9. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    I recently installed a squirt into a Landcruiser i converted to 1UZ, If you remove a tooth off the crank sensor then you can do away with the cam sensor's vastly simplifying the install. So yea 15 wires or so. I used a subaru dual channel ignitor to fire the twin dizzy coils which makes...
  10. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    A small update, I've not been doing allot to the car recently other than driving it. under 15psi of boost the engine misses, i thought this to be a spark plug issue but i had the opportunity to drive it on a cold night when the car was also cold, in these conditions it sustains 15psi boost...
  11. em_knaps

    fabbing 1uz turbo manifold questions

    Hey Charley, there is a cad file floating around the forums for the exhuast flange, that is what i used. I also used mild steel steam pipe for my manifold's S40 bends 38NB, heavy but durable they come in different bends and are very easy to work with, i sugest dipping them in paint stripper...
  12. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    Hi Mr wizard. the ecu needs 2 extra spark putputs. Im sure it could be done but it would require much electrickery. you would need some sort of sequencer that gets a reference from TDC so it knows where to send each ignition signal. in short, if you were capable of this you would most likey...
  13. em_knaps

    Megasquirt value?

    As i said before fella's it very much depends on the quality of the install, A dedicated power supply is a must as noise in the power supply does cause problems. the V2.2 is the more sturdy in my opinion, compared to the V3.0 V3.57 i have no experience with so i cant comment. I...
  14. em_knaps

    Header Flange Drawings available for download!

    As the file name would suggest 1.75inch is the ID perfect for 38NB steam pipe. which is what i used FYI is it a good idea to have a closer match to the ID of the port to the ID of your header. having a large jump/step can cause turbulence.
  15. em_knaps

    2uz header flange CAD

  16. em_knaps

    2uz header flange CAD

    hey, I originally downloaded the cad file for the header flange from this website so now i will uploaded it. Its a good file, you can see the quality of the results in my build thread as you have no doubt seen. Im sure its still on the site somewhere for downloading, but for your...
  17. em_knaps

    Megasquirt value?

    Yea, i have a megasquirt in my 1UZ powered supra same fella advertising locally. Megasquirt's are somewhat temperamental depending on the quality of the install. they suffer...
  18. em_knaps

    NZ Meet?

    bump bumpity bump bump Hey, folks. ive been off the forums for a bit but im still keen for a meeting of sorts. wow, this is a really stale thread....... Daniel.
  19. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    another small update.... So far ive worn out a set of rear tyres and have been driving the car every other weekend since last august. So far ive melted one of the cam cover plastics from track work and that pretty much it. Its far to quiet but perhaps i like it this way. Its only really when...
  20. em_knaps

    MK4 Supra, 1UZ tt and T56

    a small update... i found this video on your tube: ive realy no idea whats going on, im sure its nothing illegal. in fact im absolutely convinced. on a more technical note, i have installed a subaru boost control solenoid and have made the mods to...
