Search results

  1. H

    Wanted 1uzfe ecu p/n 89661 - 24430

    Need computer to swap in to see if I can fix an ongoing problem I believe is caused by a faulty ECU. Pin layout is 34, 22, 16, 28. Motor was from a 95 SC400.
  2. H

    Loss of low speed smoothness

    Well, still trying to get to the bottom of this problem. After doing a lot of forum searching the closest I can get to a possible solution is that it may be one of the coils. The sluggishness I'm experiencing (car not me) under load/light acceleration but the ok idle and free reving seems to...
  3. H

    Loss of low speed smoothness

    Ok. So have checked all plugs, leads, covers and anything else that I can think of but still the same problem keeps re-appearing. I don't know where to go from here. Does anyone know of a reputable mechanic/technician that knows these motors in Melb area that may be able to assist?
  4. H

    Loss of low speed smoothness

    As this is a very recent problem and the conversion is 18 months old, I'm guessing it's not the speed sensor as I don't have one. As for the computer, I have removed the front cover and everything looks ok, as in nothing looks to be leaking or bulging. Having said that, if everything runs ok...
  5. H

    Loss of low speed smoothness

    Thanks for responses. Will check computer connections today. As for the speed sensor, where is it and why has the code always been there before and never caused a problem?
  6. H

    Loss of low speed smoothness

    For the past couple of months my car, Volvo with 95 1UZFE and w58, has been sitting around whilst I've attended to other things but I have recently started using it again as the weathers improved. Thing is, before I let it sit idle it was smooth as anything to drive from low idle speeds right up...
  7. H

    Megasquirt value?

    Thanks for response. A follow up question - is this pre-programmed system a better option than starting from scratch with a "learning" ECU like the Adaptronics e420c?
  8. H

    Megasquirt value?

    I've been considering and aftermarket ECU for a while and saw this on ebay. As i'm looking at value for money, ease of instal and set up and a future upgrade to a single turbo, is what's being...
  9. H

    Coolant replacement

    I've tried soapy water, metho, car cut & polish and swearing but once its dry there's no moving it. The quality of the coolants is the more important issue and staining is a bad side issue.
  10. H

    Coolant replacement

    Since doing my engine conversion I have using Nulon Red long life coolant that contains 'O.A.T corrision inhibitors', but my main issue is that it stains everything it touches and unfortunately a broken radiator hose has resulted in a red engine bay. I've had a look at the Nulon web site and...
  11. H

    02 sensor question

    Ok, I have followed the wiring diagram as shown in the Tech area for the 96 Soarer and have discovered the following wiring requirements for each 4 wire O2 sensor. One wire goes to the EFI relay, one to the ECU Heater plug, One to the ECU O2 reader and the final wire to earth. So, based on...
  12. H

    02 sensor question

    4 wire o2 sensor question I have a 95 Soarer 1UZ with standard manifolds that has 4 wire O2 sensors that have 2 black, 1 white and 1 blue wire going to the motors original loom. The replacement universal sensors have 2 white (heater wires), 1 grey (earth) and 1 black (ecu signal). Question...
  13. H

    Need quick answer to Supra Wxx gearbox query

    Of all the Wxx series gearboxs, was it only the W58 that came with the steel sandwich plate.
  14. H

    o2 sensor compatability

    Would this one work? Where do you find the correct wattage in the specifation details?
  15. H

    o2 sensor compatability

    My 1996 SC400 engine uses 4 wire O2 sensors and both need to be replaced to cancel the error codes. My question is, will any 4 wire O2 sensor work or are there operating parameters or thread size differences I need to be aware of. Alternatively, is a single or dual wire unit compatible. This...
  16. H

    Fuel tank pressurising. Problem or normal

    V8 IS200 marcus, do you use an in tank pump as this adds to the heat/pressurising of the tank. I'm thinking that some venting is required, but limited, so some pressure can be maintained but not excessively.
  17. H

    Wanted Re-buildable ICV

    I have a sealed ICV on a 96 SC400 1UZFE which is playing up and need a re-buildable one to replace it. Can anyone help.
  18. H

    Intermittent stalling

    Thank, will try the wanted section.
  19. H

    Intermittent stalling

    I have a 1996 1UZFE that stalling intermittantly, but mainly when it settles down from initial start-up to a normal idle. I read the forum on this problem and believe the problem is within the vaccum accuator at the front of the inlet manifold, however mine appears different to the earlier...
  20. H

    Fuel tank pressurising. Problem or normal

    My current set up incorporates an in-tank Walbro GSS342 which supplys the standard 1UZFE fuel rail and pressure regulator, returning the unused fuel to the bottom of the tank. So far pretty normal. Originally my Volvo ran fuel injection and had a charcoal cannister with a return line to the...
