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  1. H

    Air feed for ISCV

    Please don't look at this as a stupid question, but on a standard motor, the air supply for the ISCV comes from the inlet to the throttle body, with the air being drawn in by the vaccum being created by the opening of the valve. Correct, or am I missing something? Would the valve still work...
  2. H

    Hydraulic Clutch Thrust bearing options

    Assuming the clutch master is above, run the line into the highest connection point. The bleeder is connected below and either run back up to the master as suggested by 4U2QUICK or route it outside the bell housing to a lower point and bleeding will happen by gravity.
  3. H

    Hydraulic Clutch Thrust bearing options

    Non of the bolt will reach the tab. Weld a bit of rod to the head of the bolt that lines up so it makes contact.
  4. H

    Hydraulic Clutch Thrust bearing options

    The unit you have pictured is slightly different to mine but the location of the hydraulic connections are the important bits. They should be up top, with the higher connection being to the master cylinder and the lower connection being the bleeder. The locator is only to stop the unit from...
  5. H

    Hydraulic Clutch Thrust bearing options

    The Howe unit part number is 82870 and can be bought from Summit racing in the US. A replacement bearing is recommended, part number NSK 45TKD-07, as the Howe bearing has a flat face. To mount the Howe unit in the right place either additional shims are needed or make a solid spacer with only a...
  6. H

    Where to buy aluminium tube for intake

    In the past couple of days I've tried the aluminium suppliers but they just have the thick walled material for hand rails and the like. Will change my focus to the intercooler/turbo installers and see how I go.
  7. H

    Where to buy aluminium tube for intake

    As the heading suggests, I'm after somewhere in Melbourne that I can buy lengths and bends of 3" aluminium tubing to re-route the air intake out of the engine bay. Is this a speciality item or any aluminium supplier can help.
  8. H

    Exhaust flange stud removal

    Finally got around to having another go. Two newer nuts worked a treat. Thanks for all the assistance.
  9. H

    Exhaust flange stud removal

    Tried the two nut option today. Tried turning anti-clockwise but didn't work. Tried clock wise, same result. Nuts turned no matter how tight they were. Will have to investigate tools.
  10. H

    Exhaust flange stud removal

    Thanks. Will try using 'old' nuts.
  11. H

    Exhaust flange stud removal

    I'm making a set of headers and would like to remove one or two of the flange studs from the head, hopefully without damaging or breaking them. Is there an easy way to do this? The end appears to be like a 'torx' fitting but is there an available socket to suit it? Are they a left or right hand...
  12. H

    Rear mount turbo question

    Good grief!! I leave you boys alone for 5 min and I'm being described as 'old'.:eek::eek: I may not be a spring chicken but I still have the need for speed, but maybe not at the 6000-8000rpm levels others like to play at. All the posts, and my discussion with Ash has given me a greater...
  13. H

    Rear mount turbo question

    Well, it looks like I need to finish the headers and get the exhaust operating again to best determine its flow. As I have not set any planned power target, I suppose I'll have to pick a figure and build towards that, keeping in mind the other things Ash has pointed out and the limitations of...
  14. H

    Rear mount turbo question

    Thanks for the reply's. As this is not going to be an out and out tyre burner, drivability is the aim, only with the added oomph. So if the T4 fits the 2.5" exhaust nicely, will the open or divided be preferred. Additionally, some additional research tells me a T3 with 0.84A/R would have a...
  15. H

    Rear mount turbo question

    Well my original thought was to move everything around in the engine bay to make space for a single turbo and as I was going to be making the headers to suit I figured this would be the easiest avenue. BUT, the other day, as I removed the centre muffler to improve the exhaust acoustics and I...
  16. H

    Clutch Frustration!!! At wits end!!!

    Ok, this is for anyone who has suffered clutch issues like I have. Its now been 4 months since I put my 'last go' plan into effect and the word is, so far so good. After some 2000km and an inspection today, there's no sign of any wear or 'rust dust' that has been evident with previous...
  17. H

    Wanted Wiring loom

    Looking for a complete wiring loom (90-95). Need it for the connectors so preferably these should be in good nick. ECU not needed.
  18. H

    Trade Wrecking 95 Ls400 & 92 Celsior 1UZ Engine

    Wiring loom Looking for a wiring loom for the 95 motor.
  19. H

    Wanted Header flanges

    Does anyone have a spare set of header flanges lying around they might like to offer up. I could just use the available drawings but why get something made if there's a spare set available.
  20. H

    Clutch Frustration!!! At wits end!!!

    Well, I've bitten the bullet and am going to give this one last go. I've bought a CRS bellhousing, new clutch/pressure plate, spigot bearing and thrust bearing. I am going to reuse the Howe but I've extended the input 'collar' by 20mm to help with any movement and also remade the spacer at the...
