Search results

  1. H

    Standalone ECU IACV operation with MS3

    Since getting the MS3 with MS3X installed and running, I've been logging whats happening when driving and I've noticed that the IAC remains open during normal day to day driving. On Sunday I recorded a loss of sync moment and the valve position immediately went from 64 to 2 (shut). It stayed...
  2. H

    Alternator output

    Well there you go. Since I first did the conversion 5 years ago, I'm sure the volt meter always sat around the the 14v. Perhaps I'm just watching and noticing things more now the new ecu is in. Thanks for the replys.
  3. H

    Alternator output

    I've finished an MS3 instal and whilst driving I'm watching the dash and ecu gauges extra carefully to make sure everything is operating safely. One thing I've noticed is the voltage output of the alternator will start at 14.2v just after the first start of the day, and as I drive the voltage...
  4. H

    Standalone ECU Megasquirt adjustment issues

    With the help of ugp (Ben) I've been attempting to get a base tune for my 1UZ but I'm having issues with the cam and crank loosing sync. This has been a stop/start project due to work/life issues and with Ben in the UK and me in Melbourne,Austraila, time differences are an issue. Anyway, I...
  5. H

    MS3 Map - Sequential & CoP

    This is just a note to publicly thank 'upg' for all his help in getting my motor up and running. :) Even though we are on opposite sides of the world he's been able to guide me thru the steps and help me with a map to get things going. My wife used to think I was mad when I sought help from...
  6. H

    MS3 Map - Sequential & CoP

    As you and ugp are in the UK, you should link up! So far, he's helping me work my way though uncharted waters. Would love to see your ITB setup. I'm guessing some home fabrication has been necessary.
  7. H

    MS3 Map - Sequential & CoP

    Thanks for the PM. Will send tomorrow. This project is just one of those that seems to have no end. New wiring, new ECU, new paint plus all the little associated things that keep a project going without an end date. If I can get the motor running, I'm sure this will inspire me to finish...
  8. H

    MS3 Map - Sequential & CoP

    Well after 2 years of stuffing around, I've finally gotten around to installing my MS3X wired motor back into the car. When I bought a pre-assembled unit with looms, the motor was out of the car so I re-wired it for the MS3. I have gone CoP and sequential whilst using the 1UZ sensors for...
  9. H

    Newby from Melbourne Oz.

    XR8tt. Not wishing to side track this discussion, but how easy/effective is it to use a Holden TB. With its TPS and IAC built in it would be easier, but is it the same size and how close are the bolt holes. Any pictures? Gertbuilt. Good to hear your working thru the wiring. The IAC 12V to the...
  10. H

    Newby from Melbourne Oz.

    Welcome to the forum. The Megasquirts are great products and their wiring is easy to follow, unlike the Toyota sensors. I've been doing an MS3 install and found the IAC to be the biggest problem area. Those that have them connected all seem to use different methods with some working and others...
  11. H

    Standalone ECU MS3X, CoP, Sequential, No boost

    Well after 15 months of ownership, I've finally gotten around to installing my MS3X onto the motor. I cheated and bought a pre-assembled unit with looms and because the motor is out of the car its a lot easier to re-wire. I have gone CoP and sequential whilst using the 1UZ sensors for crank...
  12. H

    Hi. Thanks for showing some interest. At present the car is in pieces as I try to re-paint...

    Hi. Thanks for showing some interest. At present the car is in pieces as I try to re-paint. Its been that way since Hanging Rock last year and I have a target of May this year to finish. I'm just finding it slow going as its my first try. Might leave it for now and see how it comes...
  13. H

    Ivan, I made my own rear mount as I mounted it to the original Volvo cross member. I've had a...

    Ivan, I made my own rear mount as I mounted it to the original Volvo cross member. I've had a look round my spares to see if I had one but came up empty. As for the slip yoke, I was lucky enough to get one with one of the gear boxes which was used to make the tail shaft. I've always found...
  14. H

    MS3 and knock sensors

    Thanks. The use of these sensors has never been discussed in any of the aftermarket ecu installs and it had me wondering why. It was always my intention to dyno after the install was done but thought the use of the sensors might be good insurance. Might investigate the values of the standard...
  15. H

    MS3 and knock sensors

    I'm part way thru sorting all the wires and plugs for my MS3 V3 with MS3X expansion board and was wondering about the 2 knock sensors in the valley of the 1995 1UZ motor. Are these used/connected to the MS3 or does the newly released knock sensor module have to be bought to handle this? This...
  16. H

    Standalone ECU important iacv gen2 note! WITH MEGASQUIRT

    Could you post some pictures of the different units? I have a 95 motor, which is like yours I believe (black/red wires to two centre posts). I have just started my MS3 rewire and am hunting all info possible. Changing to CoPs as well.
  17. H

    Battery Relocation

    With my battery relocation top the boot, I'm looking at using 2ga cable to the alternator, with a separate 4ga wire to the fuses etc in the cabin, and leaving the starter cable as it was, coming off the alternator. I wonder if the Odyssey PC680 would be up to the task given the extra cable length?
  18. H

    Standalone ECU Megasquirt info for 1uz

    This is timely info as I am embarking on the MS3 instal as well. The only difference being I'm going COP as well. Bought all the same kit but have not yet invested in Tuner Studio, but its on the list. As with your's, I bought the assembled box, and as I have not opened it, is the J7 jumper a...
  19. H

    Air feed for ISCV

    Good to hear. Should cut down on the piping around the motor without diminishing the driveability.
  20. H

    Air feed for ISCV

    Thanks for the replies. I'm in the process of putting in a MS3 and later, a single turbo so that's the reason for the changes, but its good to know what can be done. Is there any suggestions as to how to connect the power steering idle up connection? I'm guessing in standard form it somehow...
