Search results

  1. Zuffen

    Alternator troubles in my 1991 LS400

    12 volts at idle is a bit low but not unknown. What voltage is the alternator showing at 2,000rpm?
  2. Zuffen

    1uz non vvti. running extremely rich on startup!! Help!!

    Temp sensor sounds faulty. The car is loading up the fuel as it thinks its very cold. Once you get it up in revs it will clear the fuel load and run better but still be running rich.
  3. Zuffen

    1uz vvti very high idle and no e-throttle response

    I'd be checking for a large vacuum leak. Start with what you removed and check it first.
  4. Zuffen

    2007 Lexus is250 won’t start

    Time to start tracing power to/from the fusebox.
  5. Zuffen

    Keep blowing headgasket on N/A 1uzfe

    I lifted the heads on my engine with MLS gaskets but it was running 21psi and a poor tune. Rebuilt the engine and didn't re-machine heads and it ran until sold without any problems/ I used ARP studs.
  6. Zuffen

    2007 Lexus is250 won’t start

    OK. When you turn the key to the start position what does it do? What sounds does it make? If there isn't any click (the starter solenoid operating) it's either a faulty switch, the relay between the switch and the starter or the solenoid. To separate them try running a lead from the...
  7. Zuffen

    2007 Lexus is250 won’t start

    If the battery has sufficient charge the problem is downstream from the battery. Start checking voltages and continuity from the battery posts to the cables, then move to the other end of the cables and work your way to the starter motor. Have you tried shorting out the starter solenoid to see...
  8. Zuffen

    What is the main kit, part or mod you need that isn't available?

    You will find Sudsy here. Good luck, He's a nice guy.
  9. Zuffen

    Ford Mustang Wheels

    Yeah, If only Mike could say Three instead of Free! They would put a huge amount of work in and make a few hundred Pounds profit. Making a profit wasn't the aim as they made a motza out of the TV show as each episode has been re-run to death.
  10. Zuffen

    What is the main kit, part or mod you need that isn't available?

    I know Sudsy is on another Forum I'm locked out of. I wasn't banned just the Forum owner can't moderate the Forum and there was a glitch and I dropped off the board. I was supposed to take over ownership in May but the US connection is being painfully slow in making the transfer. I have...
  11. Zuffen

    What is the main kit, part or mod you need that isn't available?

    There is a Member on here who makes a real rear sump. They are cast in Adelaide (Australia) and the quality is very good. I have one on my car and it fitted well first go. I'd buy another if I needed one. Now to remember his username!
  12. Zuffen

    Rx7 fc T2 1uz swap

    The purchase of an engine and transmission is usually the cheap part of an engine swap. By the time you get into engine mounts, radiators, bellhousings, drive shafts and wiring you've burned through a bunch of funds. Especially if you pay to have it done. People forget all sorts of minor...
  13. Zuffen

    Rx7 fc T2 1uz swap

    Whilst the 1UZ will fit they are a big wide engine. If I wanted to make a drift car out of it I would use an LS1/2/3 as they are cheap in the States, smaller, lighter, more powerful and cheaper to get more power from than a 1UZ. I know it doesn't make sense on this Forum to say all that but...
  14. Zuffen

    Full bolt-ons for 1991 LS400

    I think you need to tell us exactly what you plan to bolt on. Is it turbos, supercharger or ITBs? More information and we'll offer help.
  15. Zuffen

    Rx7 fc T2 1uz swap

    Having done a heap of engine swaps I think you would find it more economical to have the rotor rebuilt as any rotor powered RX7 is worth may more than a piston version, and swaps always cost more than you budget for. I don't see any real benefit in the swap. Perhaps a bit of fuel economy at...
  16. Zuffen

    ECU Repairers

    I honestly don't know if Kelvin does the work himself or has a good and reliable person/company to do it for him. I do know he comes up with the goods and that's what matters.
  17. Zuffen

    What is the main kit, part or mod you need that isn't available?

    The heads don't HAVE to be Billet just flow much better with better valve angles and much better ports.
  18. Zuffen

    ECU Repairers

    I had an ECU problem and sent it to Gloverman (on this Forum) who I believe would be the best person to do the job. He also has the ability to fully test it before it is sent back to you. Pricing is most reasonable and turn-around time quite acceptable. As a Forum Member and provider of lots...
  19. Zuffen

    1uzfe to gen 6 Celica?

    A forum Member has/had an St202 4wheel drive GT4 fitted with a 1UZ. It was exclusively rear wheel drive and the engine was mounted north/south. I have seen people try to mount he MR2 transmission to a 1UZ but had trouble with a driveshaft hitting the engine block. Do a heap of searching and...
