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  1. Zuffen

    Cooling system refill

    If you fill the catch sank the coolant will only be drawn into the engine after the engine has heated and then cooled down. I fill it through the fill bolt at the thermostat and top up the catch tank so it has coolant to replace the air that will be purged out. give it a try.
  2. Zuffen

    Cat removal

    I don't think you would notice any change. Don't forget our EPA has a nice $5,000 fine for cat removal. I put new 400 cell cats on each new build and sleep soundly knowing I won't get knocked off for it. Plenty of other stuff they can get me for but those fines are cheap.
  3. Zuffen

    Raw water cooling

    Given the role of the waterpump in the cam drive I'd be inclined to leave it stock, in other words I'd be afraid to modify it in case it failed. I know the valves are safe but still a royal pain if it fails.
  4. Zuffen

    transmission controller

    Search the Forum. There was a member many years ago (15 or more!) called Kdog who deciphered the Crown ECU pinnout. He was/is an electronics Guru and he built a controller for the transmission. Basically it was a bunch of relays that turned certain solenoids in the transmission on or off as...
  5. Zuffen

    5.2L Stroker

    You can chase all the capacity you want, unless you can make the heads flow 50% better you have an obstacle to any real performance gains. Years ago I ported a 1UZ until we were very close to striking water and it still flowed poorly.
  6. Zuffen

    Sorry for the very slow reply. I haven't worked with any Toyota auto trans so so can't help...

    Sorry for the very slow reply. I haven't worked with any Toyota auto trans so so can't help you. Have you tried posting in the Forum proper?
  7. Zuffen

    Issue with start the engine in the warm/hot temperatures surging idle

    Fix the known issues first then see how it runs. You may be surprised what the coolant temp sensor does. Very hard to fix any issue whilst the car has issues that should be sorted first.
  8. Zuffen

    1UZ exhaust advice - Miata/MX5/Eunos

    In all honesty I think what you have should work well. No matter what you do you won't feel any difference. An exhaust bigger than what you have may in fact kill off torque and slow the car down. I have twin 3" exhaust on my standard 1UZ, only because it was once supercharged and it is short...
  9. Zuffen

    Can't find a replacement Fuel line for my LS400

    If you can't find a replacement take the hose to an hydraulic hose shop and they will make you a new one using your old ends. I've had it done for fuel lines and air-conditioning lines.
  10. Zuffen

    93 SC400 1UZ in 86.5 MK3 Supra Wiring

    The ECU has to see spark before it will fire the injectors. It's a safety thing. If it won't fire with starter fluid it's definitely spark. Make sure the igniters are grounded to a good ground. Don't ask how I found out that was important. Check if you have spark at the coil leads. This...
  11. Zuffen

    1Uz-Fe / L200 Conversion

    You will need a flywheel, clutch plate, clutch pressure plate, clutch throw out bearing and a new spigot (centre) bearing for the end of the crankshaft. You will need to make either a new bellhousing to connect the engine to the gearbox or make an adaptor plate to join them. All of the items...
  12. Zuffen

    Engine swap

    Just be aware the cost of an engine swap goes way beyond the cost of the engine. do some numbers and think what the following will cost. Engine Transmission Driveshaft Engine mounts Radiator Wiring Making the LS1 talk to the Toyota dash Exhaust If you can't do it all yourself get ready for a...
  13. Zuffen

    1UZ into E36

    Things are getting exciting. I hope it goes as you planned.
  14. Zuffen

    Dead starter motor

    You know the answer. Off with the manifold and take the starter out and have a look at it. Not a nice job, but it has to be done.
  15. Zuffen

    Rear coolant transfer 'piece'

    I've purchased gaskets from Toyota and Auto One.
  16. Zuffen

    New member

    As a supercharged 1UZ owner I would go turbo and save a heap of bother. I think a simple rebuild with a turbo or two would give you what you want without the heat issues,
  17. Zuffen

    1992 1uz in 1996 sc400

    Sorry for slow response, been away. If you used the same engine loom that was in the car and ECU it should run. I know there are different igniter modules between different models but if you keep all the 96 sensors, loom and igniters I can't see why it won't run. I'm guessing a missed ground...
  18. Zuffen

    wiring temp gauge

    To date no one seems to have done what you want. I have an additional sensor in my cooling system that tells me the temp and has for the last 15 years. Adding a temp sender isn't hard and worth it.
  19. Zuffen

    3UZFE into Mitsubishi Montero Sport

    As best I/we know they interchange.
  20. Zuffen

    1992 1uz in 1996 sc400

    Did you swap the engine loom as well? If not I'd try that. Sounds like you have matched the ECU to the Sensors but what connects them isn't doing it's job, as it isnt the same as the original engine had.
