Search results

  1. Zuffen

    How do I get some exhaust flames?

    An EFI car won't shoot flames unless it's tuned to do it and that will never happen on a stock ECU. If you wanted to do it (for God only knows why) powering the Cold Start injector may make it run rich enough the ignite the exhaust. Cutting the injectors off is the exact opposite of what you...
  2. Zuffen

    1975 Datsun 280z, potential 3uz or 1uz vvti swap

    Try searching trawling this Forum as there was an Aussie guy (I think 400Z) named Stirling who had a 1UZ in his. He didn't do the swap himself but check out his posts it may help.
  3. Zuffen

    Results of mods on SC400

    Jibby hasn't been on here for a few years. No maybe a lot of years. 50Hp is a lot to get out of cams. These engines respond better to forced induction better than an NA attempts.
  4. Zuffen

    1988 Cressida 1uz no start no check engine light , no power to m-rel

    Why not just jump the pins on the relay socket so power flows. It may be quick and dirty but it will prove if the relay is the problem or not.
  5. Zuffen

    Intermittent signal loss from all four 02 sensors

    I had a similar problem with my LS3 powered toy. Accelerate hard and it would lose the Crank position by going hi or low impedence at is will. Found a chaffed wire in the loom that was causing it. Your problem sounds like a broken wire that pulls apart on acceleration or a bad ground. I'd...
  6. Zuffen

    180 degree headers NA

    It will sound like a flat plane crank and not give you anything power wise but perhaps a lot of grief with sealing them up.
  7. Zuffen

    1UZ into Range Rover Classic

    The Post was too big for the Forum. Here's part two. The tacho will only read half the revs the engine is doing as it only looks at half the engine. KDog did a post about using some diodes to make it read both igniters. This may be worth searching for. I’d search under “diode” and see what...
  8. Zuffen

    1UZ into Range Rover Classic

    Whilst iIve replied privately ths will give everyone else something to read. Range Rover engine swap This is a ramble about fitting the 1UZ-FE into my Range Rover. Let’s start by stating the car is not a standard Rangie. It has an English aftermarket body kit on it that changes the space...
  9. Zuffen

    1uz/3uz hybrid

    I'd go thick rods. There's a thread somewhere in here on a 1UZ revving to 10,000rpm.
  10. Zuffen

    5.2L Stroker

    This may help but the photos have been lost along the way.
  11. Zuffen

    5.2L Stroker

    Sorry, I'm an old guy and my memory doesn't work that well any more and it was a long time ago. Try a search as there were quite a few Threads on increasing capacity.
  12. Zuffen

    Lack of boost power at times

    I think we will need a lot more information to offer much help. What is the engine, what year, is it modified and what's it in. Then what have you tried to diagnose the problem.
  13. Zuffen

    5.2L Stroker

    I think you will find the concept didn't translate too well into reality. I seriously doubt you would find any parts around now.
  14. Zuffen

    1UZ into a 1972 FJ40

    If you build in heaps of power the beast will become undrivable. I had around 650hp in my Range Rover and all it did was spin the 12.50x35 tyres. I went back to a stock 1UZ and I'm much happier. I sold my built engine for 10Cents in the Dollar on build cost. Building a tough 1UZ gets VERY...
  15. Zuffen

    Project LS400

    Interesting. I probably have a different screen as I can Moderate the posts. I'll talk to the Admin team and see what he deal is.
  16. Zuffen

    Project LS400

    Edit button is below the word "not" in your last sentence.
  17. Zuffen

    Project LS400

    I'd start by trying to turn the engine over by the big bolt on the crank pully. Bottom of engine at front. Check it has oil and coolant before trying to start it. If it turns over by hand it should be safe to try it on the starter. Before trying to start it take out a spark plug and then...
  18. Zuffen

    overheating V8

    I don't have an answer for the leaking welsh plug other than replace it. There isn't an easy and permanent solution other than doing the job properly. Could you try half removing the engine by lifting it off it's mounts and sliding it forward. Should be simple enough to pry out the old plug...
  19. Zuffen

    1UZ cad drawings

    Have a look in the Fabrication section. Well covered.
  20. Zuffen

    Vvti turbo tips.

    There was a group buy f Ross pistons about 15 years ago so they do or did make them. Never heard any bad reports on them.
