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  1. R

    Ti Pistons

    Rod, Have a check on those weights again, Ti is heavier than aluminium.
  2. R

    Finally Flywheel info

    If either of you guy's ever design an aeroplane - please let me know so I don't make a mistake and get on board !! Do you have any technical expertise to back up what you think ? There are older and wiser heads here that have seen the results of exploding flywheels/clutches, and it is never...
  3. R

    Please welcome my son John!

    Sounds like he is "the right stuff", better looking than his dad too ! You have done something right John.
  4. R

    LS400 - Complete Electrical Failure

    I had a similar situation. Check the main 120amp bolt in fuse at the main fuse box under hood. That was my problem. Engine would run - nothing else would work.
  5. R

    Adjustable Cam Gears?

    No, and if they were available they would be VERY expensive.
  6. R

    Converting to a forked clutch on R154

    Many current cars run a concentric release bearing, including Holden and Saab, and they do not require removal twice a year to adjust. Your setup is WRONG! But if you want to run a fork and slave cyl, go to it.
  7. R

    Converting to a forked clutch on R154

    You don't have to adjust free play with a concentric release bearing !!!!!!
  8. R

    Thermostat housing options.

    You have not worked on a Lexus yet - have you ?? Have a look a an LS or a Soarer !
  9. R

    Thermostat housing options.

    Why do you want it to point UP ??? It connects to the BOTTOM of the radiator, it is water into the engine !
  10. R

    Disappearing race tracks

    Instead of trying to change the mentality of the Gold Coast (it will NEVER happen), why don't they take their money and support to Warwick. A town and council that supports motor sport, a great facility that can be expanded, and only 2 hours away !
  11. R

    under bucket shim conversion 1uz

    Not in aviation or race cars, and metric standards are well below imperial standards. Seeing as the majority of the worlds hi tech items are manufactured in the USA and we buy most of our military hardware from the USA, it is surprising that our government has outlawed imperial dimensions. To...
  12. R

    i need a crank dimension please..

    That is the dia for the flywheel location spiggot John ! ID of spiggot bush housing is 31.9 mm. Need to fit a ball bearing, not a plain bush if you expect any life !
  13. R

    Are there any performance aftermarket sleeves ??

    One off 4340 cr/mo sleeves would negate the concern and lighten the wallet ! The main problem would be a lack of support from the surrounding structure.
  14. R


    What is so auwful ? about 1uz heads ???? The main problem is manifolds and valve size. Also have to take issue with XR8, a spool on a circuit is a handful to drive. I have driven V8 sedans to 'open wheelers' with spools, and much prefer a cam and pawl. Great for drags though.
  15. R

    Build for Torque

    .040" off the heads ? Not that simple ! How are you going to get the manifold, water bridges, t/stat housing to fit afterwards ????? Camshaft timing each bank ??? The way to get the biggest increase in torque, is bigger inlet valves, 36mm is doable and will increase torque to around...
  16. R

    MY 1uzfe ITB's result

    Got some pics ??
  17. R

    3D Scanner

    A local rally team have Catia as an 'in kind' sponsor. They wanted to design a cast turbo exhaust manifold. The entire engine compartment, engine and all auxiliarys were scaned and digitised. Problem solved ! Would not like to pay for it though !!!
  18. R

    Oil Pickup modifications.

    Must be steel, copper is prone to work harden and crack. Would you run copper brake lines ?
  19. R

    1UZ Capri Drag Car

    If you live in Oz and it is Earl's fittings and teflon lines - not exaggerated at all !
  20. R

    FA-18 Hornet

    You speak for yourself !!!!!!
