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  • IIf the money is right on the Tudor, I would grab it with both hands....
    I've looked on your site a few times, you are definitely the man to know.....

    Surprisingly, their is almost no one making t bodies, I was going to produce a couple of body styles to sell on, but the market just isn't there.
    I had it in my mind to build a kit based on an mx5, but when you step back, the iva has killed the kit car industry.
    There is a c cab body on eBay now, its one of the 5 revenge ( Nick Butler ) bodies that was made.
    Cool looking body but he is asking too much for it, he had it up for £2000 but he now has a £1250 buy it now, I was going to offer £500, its creeping up to that and not meet the reserve.
    If there is anything you need, I might be able to help
    Sure did mate, have a look on my web site,
    there's a pic of the T bucket that I started to build way back in 2000, had to get rid of that one unfortunately. Have diff, engine,trans, for the new one so far. Have an option on a 23 tudor that's in a hedge, am in 2 minds about it, it's not a RPU but it's steel and has the title with it.
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