Recent content by Zuffen

  1. Zuffen

    Electric turbo (one that works)

    12 horsepower is around 5KW. A good Lexus alternator will put out 140 or so watts, so about 7 mins of charging for 1kw. So you need to run the engine or 5 mins to cover 1 minutes use of the supercharger, Now this assumes the vehicle doesn't have any load on the alternator. If the car needs...
  2. Zuffen

    Is it possible to wire and ISC valve the wrong way

    Well done! Things like this can be a bitch to track down and the engine is 30 years old so you're always wondering if the ECU is at fault or not. Kelvin must have saved a heap of people a lot of heart ache! I know he's helped me out.
  3. Zuffen

    1UZFE cooling bridge to rear heater pipe connection

    The return line is a steel fitting cast into the rear water-bridge.
  4. Zuffen

    sufficient parts???

    If you scratch around there was a guy in Australia who built a super high revving 1UZ. Cost him a lot of money to end up with an engine that had very little bottom end and quite a good top end, but nothing outstanding. If I can think of his name I'll post it so you can find his thread.
  5. Zuffen

    Propshaft help needed

    Contact Gloverman a could of posts above. A good guy to deal with.
  6. Zuffen

    1uz Dimensions

    They are within a couple of mm of each other. Safe to work on the 700x700x700 cube.
  7. Zuffen

    Long time lurker…first time poster

    I think you will find an LS is about the same as a 1UZ. I have an LS3 in one of my cars and I'm sorry to say it beats the 1UZ hands down. That being said the conversion will be nice and the old 1UZ does sound awesome. Getting more power out of one isn't cheap as the ECU is pretty well...
  8. Zuffen

    ECMs and Earths/Grounds

    The factory uses quite a few engine based ground points. Do it just as the factory has and you shouldn't have any issues. These engines aren't hard to get running in a different vehcile. I've been driving a swapped 1UZ in various guises for almost 20 years. I haven't been stranded on the...
  9. Zuffen

    1997 1uz-fe missing

    What you suspect is an ignition problem could in fact be a dud injector or a fault on that side of things.
  10. Zuffen

    ECMs and Earths/Grounds

    I'm not sure I would use a rivnut as a ground. I'd rather use a stud screwed into a captive welded nut or a nut and bolt. I'd also ensure there was bare metal under the ground strap. As for engine grounds, just do it as the factory did. They probably know what's best.
  11. Zuffen

    Exo Car

    Here you go.
  12. Zuffen

    V12 LS400

    I would think purchasing a front cut from a Century would give you what you need to make it run. Wiring the Century ECUs into the LS body loom would be the biggest hurdle I can see.
  13. Zuffen

    1995 lexus ls400 not wanting to stay running

    When the engine stops, does it still have fuel pressure. Crack a union to see if fuel squirts out. Normally these shut down the injectors if they have an ignition problem, but this is the reverse. I'd be confirming there is fuel at the injectors whilst it is running on spray and after. If...
  14. Zuffen

    1997 1uz-fe missing

    Have you checked for continuity from the sensor to the ECU plus the shielding?
  15. Zuffen

    1995 lexus ls400 not wanting to stay running

    When I first had my conversion running about 20 years ago I had a similar issue. I tracked it down the the fuel pump turning off as soon as the engine started. The problem was the fuel resistor (it was a Crown engine) was faulty. Bypassed it and it ran well, I now run a Soarer engine and...
