Recent content by TTLex

  1. T

    Parts 1UZ built motor

    It did sell, Christopher W bought it from me and has paid for it. I pulled it and its on a skid ready to ship. Unfortunately something has come up for Christopher, and he asked if I had anyone interested in the motor that he could sell it to. In a nut shell, this motor now belongs to...
  2. T

    Parts 1UZ built motor

    Pmp, call me at 410 365 0499
  3. T

    Parts V160 1UZ adapter and clutch set upo

    This has been sold!!
  4. T

    Parts 1UZ built motor

    we made an adapter plate for it, no drive by wire anymore
  5. T

    Parts 1UZ built motor

    Im running the Haltech E11 It doesnt burn oil, i will try to get a compression test done this week sometime. I was thinking about doing it prior to posting, so you are giving me the incentive to get off my ass and get it done! Im also going to get a video of the car running up soon as well
  6. T

    Parts 1UZ built motor

    Time to move on...thats all. I was trying to sell the car complete, but the amount of money im looking for in this economy seems to not be working out for me. Therefore I decided to sell of the high dollar items then part out from there. Possibly pop a stock motor and tranny back in and sell the...
  7. T

    Parts V160 1UZ adapter and clutch set upo

    For those of you thinking about putting a V160 into your 1UZ lexus, im selling the main pieces needed (minus the tranny itself) I have the Quartermaster clutch and flywheel that adapts the V160 transmission to the 1UZ motor. The clutch is fresh, it was literally driven for 10 miles, it is as...
  8. T

    Parts 1UZ built motor

    Im parting out my twin turbo GS400, the drivetrain is going first. The motor has less than 3k miles on it, and runs perfectly. I will post a video up of it running in the next few days. If you are thinking about building your motor, here is an opprtunity to get a built motor for the price you...
  9. T

    Parts 1UZ twin turbo kit

    I am parting out all of the performance parts from my car, so my twin turbo kit is for sale. The set up has less than 3k miles on it, and is still on the car running strong. Once it sells, it will be off the car and shipped within a week. The set up was custom made by SRT (Swift Racing...
  10. T

    HELP... I need to see a 2UZ flexplate/ ring gear

    I had a custom flywheel made with a flexplate that I thought was a 1UZ, now that mine is apart, the one I used is slightly different than my stock 1uz one. It works, but doesnt sit just right with the starter gear. Im trying to figure out what this flexplate came out of....possibly a 2UZ? Can...
  11. T

    Parts 1uz V160 clutch and flywheel set up FS

    long story with how I ended up with two.....mistake by quartermaster, who then charged me for that mistake.....
  12. T

    Parts 1uz V160 clutch and flywheel set up FS

    For those of you thinking about putting a V160 into your 1UZ lexus, I have one of the main pieces of the puzzle for sale. I have the Quartermaster clutch and flywheel that adapts the V160 transmission to the 1UZ motor. The clutch is fresh, it was literally driven for 10 miles, it is as new as...
  13. T

    Avoid TTC Performance!!

    This isnt very running one of these adapters.....havent had any issue as of yet though. Ryan, what flywheel clutch combo are you running?
  14. T

    1UZ flywheels, are they all the same??

    I thought so, just wanted to be sure. thanks
  15. T

    1UZ flywheels, are they all the same??

    This may be a stupid question, but im getting ready to buy a custom flywheel that was made to mate a certain tranny/ clutch combo up to an SC400 with a 1UZ. I have a 2000 GS400 with a 1UZ, will the flywheel bolt right up if it did so on the older SC? Im assuming it will, but want to make sure...
