Recent content by RyanUkAus

  1. R

    G'day Gloverman! I currently have a 1UZFE vvti engine in my 1992 4runner (auto), it's ready to...

    G'day Gloverman! I currently have a 1UZFE vvti engine in my 1992 4runner (auto), it's ready to go but has an immobiliser system on it so refuses to start, I 've been at this conversion for over a year and half now so any advice / help on how to get my engine running would be very appreciated...
  2. R

    1UZ vvti ECU body loom

    G'day all! I posted previously asking for some details regarding which ECU I need for a vvti 1UZ motor and got some great advice! Yet again I need some help. I've got the ECU I need, however when I bought my 1UZ engine package it didn't come with the body loom wiring (all I need is the body...
  3. R

    Which ECU?

    I could be in luck as I stumbled upon this site which seems to have what I need after contacting the owner, may be of use to other people:
  4. R

    Which ECU?

    Sorry to bring this topic up again, I've got the correct ECU now and it plugs in to the engine loom properly, however I'm missing 3 plugs which I believe are from the body loom and I'm having a very very hard time tyring to find them. I've added an image highlighting the ECU sockets to show...
  5. R

    Which ECU?

    Thanks! I was fortunate enough to hear today the ECU I should have gotten originally had arrived and it was the correct one, the year model was 1998.
  6. R

    Which ECU?

    G'day everyone! I hope this is the correct place to post this as I was advised this is the best site to find out what I need (searching forums is limited thanks to my poor connection...). I'm doing an engine and gearbox swap to my 1992 Toyota 4runner, the engine is a 1997 vvti 1UZFE from a...
