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  • I used A1 turbo flywheel. I just got screwed up because the face was not perfectly straight and I had the most unforgiving clutch disc material available. If you are doing stock power jist instal a factory 5M clutch or a Spec stage 1 for 5MGE engine.

    I would buy a complete kit if I where you but make sure to use the landcruiser bearing at the end of your trow out cylinder. I also have a build thread just type UZA65 on google.
    hi, i was reading your topic "Attention all Howe Bearing user!!", that very help me, because a would swap 1uz with w58 gearbox to my supra and i didn't find much information about concrete part for this build, so your topic advise me with bearing, and plesure plate, can you tell me what fly wheel and clutch did you use? or what setup is best to you? sorry for my english, im not native speaker
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