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  • Hi Peewee,
    My mate and i have tried to wire in a lexus v8 into my surf and we are having some issues. We can't get it to fire up. We've done most of the work but we are stuck at the moment. Seeing that you are the expert in this, I would appreciate your help... of course, you would be compensated for your time and effort.
    Seeing that you are in Perth, I would really appreciate if you could reply to me and we can meet up.

    Hoping and praying that you can help me,
    Sorry sideshow, I don't get on to Lextreme very often, and for some reason my email notifications have stopped.

    $200 for the soarer ecu is great mate, will take it.

    How do you want me to pay?
    hey peewee i got a v8 soarer ecu one with 40 and 80 pin
    i didnt want to post as u know i got sick of the fits kwits on here so if u want it
    and the right one i am trying to get 200 bucks for it
    email me if yr interested
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