Recent content by Patrick Bateman

  1. P

    No Oil Pressure - Solution

    Great video Kelvin
  2. P

    1UZ/TH350 swap help!

    Australian Street Machine Magazine are doing a 1UZ conversion into a Toyota Lexcen (re-badged Holden Commodore) and they are using Dellow (Australian company) 1UZ to Reed-case powerglide/t400 bellhousing, with a US-sourced Reed Case to regular T400. From memory, the 350 and 400 are the same bolt...
  3. P

    No Oil Pressure - Solution

    This may have been covered before but it doesn't hurt to post it again. Engine hasn't been started for almost 2 years now. Haltech and fuel system all sorted Just needed to confirm oil was flowing from the turbo oil feed pipe before enabling injectors. Cranked about 5 times for 10 seconds and...
  4. P

    1UZ into E36

    Its been 4 months since any progress happened on the conversion due to work commitments, business relocation, Christmas, COVID, holidays and now moving house. The car has been parked up in mates garage gathering dust. I will have a double garage of my own in April so work will happen much more...
  5. P

    1UZ into E36

    Wiring was finalised and double checked this morning and now the engine runs. The 1UZ harness integrates 100% with the car, with all gauges and warning lamps operate as they should and oil pressure is strong. I have catalogued all of the 1UZ-to-E36 wiring changes for future reference should any...
  6. P

    1UZ into E36

    Indeed. The throttle cable "stop clamp" arrived today and it fitted up perfectly. My concern was that the E36 cable movement from 0-100% would be either too large or too small to suit the 1UZ throttle lever... turns out its perfect. Fully released there is an acceptable amount of slack in the...
  7. P

    1UZ into E36

    I checked the specs when I first found these wheels and it comes up +26mm from whatever baseline scrub radius is. I've owned cars with positive scrub before and I'm not fussed about it...
  8. P

    1UZ into E36

    Thanks! Yeah i wasn't too keen on buying or making a complete new sump. As for the scrub radius, the coil overs I have use an adjustable strut top which will move the kingpin angle outwards. I can then dial the tyre back in using an eccentric bolt in the strut mount to straighten it up again...
  9. P

    UZ to BMW Getrag 420g Adapter

    Homebrew requires some serious machinery and engineering skills If you dont have access to this equipment, then $750 for adapter & flywheel sounds reasonable
  10. P

    1UZ into E36

    With the sump adapter fitted and the oil pickup modified, its all back together. The pickup was extended 60mm rearwards and a little creative bending to get the filter screen just above the sump floor, with a bracket to hold it in place. Its not the prettiest, but it works. If I ever pull the...
  11. P

    1UZ into E36

    I have worked with Sketchup a fair bit so teaching myself Autocad wasn't too difficult - but necessary. I drew up the engine and gearbox mounts then (after many many revisions) had a local fabricator laser cut them from 8mm mild steel. A section of black pipe (4mm wall) and several arc welding...
  12. P

    1UZ into E36

    Having never removed an engine from a BMW before, you can imagine my delight when I found the entire front end can be easily removed and it has made this job so much easier! With the 1UZ and auto trans sitting in place on some little blocks of wood, I can begin measuring up the engine mounts...
  13. P

    1UZ into E36

    After many years of planning a 1UZ project, I've finally gotten around to doing it. I just needed to find the right car. I considered a number of smaller RWD Toyota vehicles to take the 1UZ and stay true to the brand... I even considered the Lexcen (google it)... but I've always been a fan of...
