Recent content by Jcrawl

  1. J

    1uz swap, limp mode?

    Thank you kind sir
  2. J

    1uz swap, limp mode?

    Do you have a link to that video just in case, the one you posted befroe does not work
  3. J

    1uz swap, limp mode?

    Found a matching #’s ecu. Should be here in time. Hopefully it works
  4. J

    1uz swap, limp mode?

    I also work for an airline and fly for free so if someone just happens to have one for sale I can always fly in and grab it
  5. J

    1uz swap, limp mode?

    If i could find a matching # or compatibale and be able to get it shipped in time i would be all over it
  6. J

    1uz swap, limp mode?

    Guess i may have to go with the ecu that has the 4k rom limit. Sucks but atleast it runs
  7. J

    1uz swap, limp mode?

    No not matching numbers, i couldnt find one that matched anywhere. But its close. Almost has to be the exu since the code does not follow to 14 if you change the igniter plugs. I am just in a rush because i have a big event coming up next week and was desperate to see if it would work.
  8. J

    1uz swap, limp mode?

    correct old one idles and runs great till 4000 rpm but wil not go into diag mode or over 4k rebuilt one will start for about 2-3 sec and shut off code 15 i cant win with this stupid motor i swear, ready to burn it lol
  9. J

    1uz swap, limp mode?

    swapped igniter plugs to see if it followed to code 14 with no results. checked and have power to both connections 1 and 3 on the igniter plugs
  10. J

    1uz swap, limp mode?

    okay so an update after much consideration and testing i ordered a rebuilt ecu. plugged it in and this one actually goes into diag mode!!!! but will not run. throwing code 15 Ignition Signal #2 checked for spark and it is good. tried a different coil and a different set of igniters with no luck?
  11. J

    1uz swap, limp mode?

    Yes i need that video completed lol if i knew the correct way of wiring it i would deff do it. just dont know if the diagrams i am following are up to par
  12. J

    1uz swap, limp mode?

    tried throwing multiple faults with no luck. the light briefly turns out while cranking i did hook up the sta also
  13. J

    1uz swap, limp mode?

    will try thanks, it almost has to be a wiring problem. I'm just not confident in the wiring at all
  14. J

    1uz swap, limp mode?

    so i got the check engine light to work, turns on with key power, start engine and it stays on steady. earth/ground TE1 and the light stays the same
  15. J

    1uz swap, limp mode?

    another thing i was thinking about, oil pressure. Does the computer need to know that it is making pressure to stay out of limp mode? what about the oil level sensor in the pan?
